CHAPTER 25 ~You~

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I was sure I was going to pick Cam. After all he was nicer to me, and he doesn't think I'm dramatic. I was getting ready. Today I would tell him. I was heading down the stairs and saw Cam.

I started walking towards him when something yanked me behind the staircase. You guessed it, Jere.

"What do you want Jere?" I said.

"Your going tell Cam you want him, right? Well I would rethink that." He said

"Why should I do that Jeremiah?" I said, rolling my eyes.

He didn't say anything, just handed me a phone.

"It's Cams. Go to his text." He said

I did, and oh my gosh.


Bro that girl Stacy broke up with me

Remember that Amelia girl you were with??

Yah. Why??

Didn't she give you like, anything you wanted? Just text her and say you want her back?

You right!! Imma say I've been thinking about her for months now 😞😞😞


"Great, so he was just using me?" I said, upset.

"Sorry Mills. Want me to beat him up for you?" He said

I smiled. "No I wanna do it!" I said giving him the follow me finger.

"Yes! To bad there's no popcorn!" He said rubbing his hands together.

"Hey Cam!" I said, acting happy.

"Hey mills!" He said with a smile on his face. The jerk.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can pick you. Sorry I didn't give you everything you wanted. You know, like you and Jonathan predicted?" I said sarcastically. "Now get the hell out." I said

Jere laughed pushing him out the door.

"Now it's just me and you!" He said

"Exactly. I guess there's no other options but you!" I said.

Then he pressed his lips on mine. I got my Jere back!


My Best Friend, Jeremiah Fisher.Where stories live. Discover now