CHAPTER 3 ~ Me? A Debutant?~

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We're eating dinner on the second night. Steven and Jeremiah are doing something stupid, probably talking about something gross. Susannah stands up and says she has an announcement. My heart sinks. Ever since Susannah last had cancer, I'm scared she'll get it again. I know, it's stupid. I just don't want to lose her.

Her announcment wasn't exactly bad, just weird. "A debutant" me and belly say in unison. Susannah begins, " Yes! I was one and it may be good for you. You have come of age-" Susannah blabbed about coming of age and growing up for a bit but I didn't really wanna hear it. I don't know about this debutant thing. It's Crazy. "Belly and Mills? Debutants? There slobs, not elegant enough for that" Steven says snickering. I punch him in the shoulder and Jeremiah and Conrad are saying it's for sheep.

The next day, I wanna go surfing. Conrad has always took me surfing ever since we were like 11. I had to practically beg him to take me out there. He's so different this summer. Me and him always have a great time, but I could never like him. I find it weird belly likes him, because she's only 16 and he's almost 18. It weirds me out. Once we're finished we're walking inside and hear our moms talking. Anytime we hear our parents talking we loved to easdrop. "Beck how will you tell the boys you have cancer?" That's all I needed to hear. I didn't want to hear the rest. I was worried, and I was right.

That night me and Conrad decided we couldn't tell anyone. One last perfect summer. She would want that. She also would want me to be a deb. I gave her that too.

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