CHAPTER 28 ~Weirdest date ever~

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Me and Matt arrived at said restaurant. It was very cute and aesthetic.

"You told me how you liked cute little restaurants so I thought of this place." He said, taking me to our table. It made my heart flutter.

We sat down and he asked me what I was in the mood for. "I don't know, do they have pasta?" I said.

"They do!" He said, pointing to it on the menu. I smiled and looked at the options.

"So, what's your favorite movie?" He said

"Legally blonde, without a doubt." I said

"My sisters have made me watch that a billion times." He said

"How many sisters do you have?" I said

"3. They are 15, 13, and 12." He said

"Oh that's sweet,guys with sisters are huge green flags." I said

"Guess I'm Mr. Green flag." He said, smiling.

We were almost finished with our food when our server came up to us. "Hey, there is a very bad storm outside and it's flooding, so we have to close. I'm very sorry!"

"Oh no! Yah, let's go." I said

We were driving through the flood and we couldn't drive much longer.

"This isn't safe to drive in. We will have to stay at a hotel." Matt said. "I can get us two rooms, if ur not comfortable." He said.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I said. He was so sweet.

I looked out the window and saw a boy and a girl running. It was my sister, and Cam.

"Stop!" I said to Matt.

"What's wrong?" He said

"That's my sister and her, boyfriend." I said

"Well we have to take them with us, roll down ur window and tell them to hop in." He said

"Does the guy have to come with us?" I said.

"Um, I would feel really bad if I left him." He said

I understood and rolled down the window.

"Get in!" I yelled

"Amelia?! What are you doing?"

"I said get in!" I yelled. They did.

"Are we going home?" Belly said

"We can't. We're staying at a hotel." I said.

"Whatever." She said.

I didn't need her sass right now.

We got to the hotel and got to the front desk. A women with short black hair and bangs checked us in.

"Hi! We need two rooms." Matt said

"Sorry! With the storm we only have one room available." The front desk woman said.

"We can do that." I said

We got in our room and we had to figure out our room situation.

We decided that me and belly would share a bed. And the boys will share the other bed.

Me and belly hopped in the shower, and so did the boys. But everyone was ready to get in bed.

I thought I was tired, but I guess not. I couldn't sleep.

"Belly? Are you awake?" I said.

"Yah, I have so many questions." She said.

"Ask away." I said.

"Who is this Matt guy? What about Jere?" She said

"I don't know. This was me and Matt's first date. He is already a lot sweeter than Jere. I'm not dating Jere. I met Matt at a party 3 days ago."

"Oh." She said.

"Now why the hell are you with Cam? I told you to stay away with him." I said.

"Amelia." She said.

"What?" I said

"I'm giving him a chance ok? Goodnight." She said

I guess I ruined the mood. Oops

I somehow fell asleep. After three hours. I barely slept.

I opened my eyes and checked my phone. 9:24. I should get everyone up. We need to leave.

I got a text from Jere. I didn't know what it said.

Your going out with Matt richards. Wow, Amelia. That's low.


My Best Friend, Jeremiah Fisher.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz