Chapter 19

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If it wasn't for my mother's legacy, I doubt I'd spend much time in the Oasis club, but here I am, apparently their uncrowned queen or at least that's what Seline tells me. The Oasis is absolutely beautiful on a normal day, but with the Garden Party approaching it's absolutely stunning with decorations and the all around tranquil ambiance. I'd found a summons on my desk in my art class and the expectant look on Seline's face told me it wasn't up for negotiation.

So here we are, sipping imported tea and sampling finger sandwiches that will be served tomorrow afternoon for our esteemed guests, you know the elitist socialite's that will undoubtedly inherit their family's vast wealth. "I take it there's a particular reason I'm here, Seline?" I asked, wiping my hands on probably the softest napkin I've ever felt in my life. Her hazel eyes sparkled with amusement. What could possibly be so amusing and why did it feel like it was at my expense?

"I thought it would be nice to exchange familiarities with each other, especially given the close relationship your mother and I shared," She replied, shifting her gaze to the flurry of girls, all presumably belonging to the Oasis Club, as they make preparations for the party tomorrow. I hum, playing the game of the coy socialite Charlotte Livingston and hold my tea cup with dainty little non-killing fingers. "She would be most proud of you, Alexandra."

My spine straightens and my instincts to be wary of the woman who wears the skin of the kind art teacher. "It is odd that she never mentioned being a Guardian." My Collector instincts regard Seline with interest, any tells of deciet in her body language. But she remains perfectly at ease on yet another golden chair. "I'm sure Archer wanted to protect you both. Your maternal grandparents are not strong enough to protect you or your mother." I remember my grandmother's outburst at the funeral, understandable as it was, it did bring attention from the wrong families.

"Would there be a reason my grandparents would be so comfortable with Donovan?" I whispered away from the prying ears. Seline must sense my unease and she rings the bell at her side. I watched with wide eyes as all activities cease and everyone dispersed from the courtyard. Seline reaches for chute as soon as it's placed in front of her with the grace of a natural born ruler and I confess, I'm fucking impressed by that.

"Rumor has it that your mother was to be promised to Michael Richards, or at least the two of them were very involved." Her chuckle is cynical and the way she swirls the champagne in her flute with a lost sort of look in her eyes is telling. "But Archer Carson is not a man to be trifled with. They say it was already arranged a marriage between your Aunt Amelia and Michael, but somehow the marriage didn't happen and she left this life behind."

I've heard this story before. Because my aunt is the oldest of all my dad's siblings, she was naturally chosen into leadership. The problem was she wanted nothing to do with this life and the corruption the Collective would inevitably fall under during Donovan's takeover. Not that I blamed her. I'd often wondered how my life would've turned out if I had siblings to pass that responsibility onto. But then I think of Nate, who is doing everything possible to protect his younger siblings from the responsibility of holding that much power.

"You know your mother went away for a while and then suddenly married your father?" Seline continued, her gaze regarding me as much as I did her. "It was very confusing to her friends that she'd suddenly gone from being absolutely in love with Michael to suddenly engaged to another man."

The inner beast in my blood growls with a need to defend my father and the love between my parents, but curiosity took centerfold and I set my tea down and leveled the crowned queen of the guardians with a look that I'm sure conveyed the distaste I found this conversation to be. "My parents loved each other dearly and I find it rather disrespectful to question that love. However, in our world marriages are arranged on the whims of greedy old men who have too much time and money on their hands."

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