Chapter 8

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I stared at the clock, daring it to move faster as my last period class winds down. It's the only class I don't share with the guys, but little Natalie Richards is in my music class. I knew the Richard's kids were thrown into just about every extracurricular activity you can imagine because Ivy's love that shit, but I had no idea my former best friend played the violin.

The bell finally rang and I grab my bag, careful to avoid the masses as they exited the building. I stop by my locker on my way to the old faculty parking lot and grabbed my laptop, books and jacket. I texted Ben that I had a meeting after school and I'd call for a car, but he insisted on waiting in the parking lot. My nerves were on high alert as I exited the school through the west side where the old faculty parking lot was located.

"Holy... Shit." I expected an empty parking that the skater kids would eventually take refuge in until some rich booster donated enough money to fund perhaps another pretentious building. I was not expecting a literal oasis with a fountain dead center that puts the few fountains on the school grounds to shame. Gone was all the concrete and in it's place was green plush grass and flowers and trees with benches placed in various areas.

What catches my attention was the large iron gates that separated the oasis from the building behind it. My phone buzzed in my blazer pocket and I plucked it out.

Center fountain. Sit and put on the blindfold.

My brows furrow as I scanned the oasis. Maybe my mystery texter is watching behind the gate. Stepping in front of the center fountain, I spotted the blindfold and take a seat. The sound of the water relaxing as I secured the blindfold over my eyes. "If I get kidnapped my Dad's gonna be pissed!" I yelled and braces my hands against the cool concrete of the fountain. I waited and waited and my anxiety grew with every passing minute when the sound of doors closing and the clang of a gate drew my attention to the iron gate.

"Ah, I was wondering if I was going to have to personally retrieve you." A muffled voice said close by. The sound of footsteps moved closer and I thanked my training that I'm able to rely on my other senses in this moment. "I didn't have much of choice, now did I?" I snapped as the air around me shifted as my visitors stood in front of me. The floral scent of gardenia surrounds me as well as a sweet vanilla scent. Neither are familiar to me, but I deduced that my blackmailer is a girl.

"So you ladies gonna tell me why I'm here or am I gonna have to guess?" I smirked, knowing I'm playing a dangerous game. These girls could be Thorns and if they know who I am, I'll be hand delivered to Nate on a silver platter. "Aren't you clever?" A voice to my left said as small hands grabbed my upper arms, standing me up. "We have no wish to harm you, but perhaps this conversation should be more private?"

Before I could even protest, I'm being guided through the darkness. My heart pounds the moment I hear the clang of the gates behind me. "There's steps ahead." Hands guide me up the stone steps and heat engulfs me as I'm assuming we've stepped through the threshold. "Take her to the lounge. I'll get the tea and for the love of God please get her slippers. Those heels must be killing her feet by now." A muffled voice says as I'm guided to the left.

The moment I stepped into this room, I felt relaxed and I was guided with gentle hands to a warm plush couch. There's some shuffling about the room and I sense the air shift with the presence of multiple bodies in the room. "Remove the blindfold." A voice commands and cool fingers brushed across my face to remove my blindfold. My mouth parts as I gaze around the room.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked the mask wearing inhabitants. There are roughly ten figures dressed in golden hooded robes, masks covering their faces. I pick out the leader by the black mask their wearing. Casting my gaze around the room, I note the two large plushy black couches and a large armchair that looks more like a throne than a chair.

A Thorn ScornedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora