Chapter 2

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Two weeks later

Standing in the mirror I sigh and gingerly press my hands down the front of my black dress. The eyes that look back at me aren't my own. The blue contacts hide my emerald eyes pretty well, but still holds that haunted grief stricken stare I've barely allowed myself to feel since my mother's death. Dad's been moved to a secure medical facility not funded by the Collective, but by one of Uncle Ben's friends from his military days.

My eyes take in my dark auburn hair. I decided it's best to have my wig the color of my uncle's hair since he and my father are so close in resemblance they could've been twins. I'd taken my pain meds and my plastic surgeon said the scars from my tattoo removal were almost healed and I still had my stitches in so not much I could do with that until I'm full healed there. I swallowed down the pain in my chest not caused by my wounds.

"Hey, kiddo, we're ready to go." Uncle Ben knocked on the open door. I turned to look at him and he swiftly crossed the room and pulled me in his arms, careful of my healing body. "She'd be proud of you, Alex. They both would be." I'd spent the last week with my father just to be close to him. "I take it grandfather has taken care of my trust?"

"He spoke to Hunter this morning and he told him that anyone looking into your trust will see that it's been divided between your grandfather and your favorite charity." Which I did have my grandfather donate a hefty amount to St. Jude hospital. In reality, my trust is still in my name when I'm ready to take back my life and Charlotte Livingston is a girl with a little cash and a cushy inheritance, not as big as her cousin's, but nice enough.

"Good. We'll need to go house hunting this week or stay with grandpa." I said straighten Ben's tie as my grandfather stepped in the doorway. "The car's here. Your grandparents are already at the church." His eyes traveled over my face, worry and grief swirling within those emerald eyes. My grandfather adored my mother, loved her probably more than her own parents did.

I slid my arms around him and tucked myself into his embrace, needing his strength today. "Thank you, grandpa. For taking care of everything." He kissed the top of my head, careful not to mess up my wig and grasped my hand, leading me downstairs. "If you want to come back to the burial site later, I'll have a car take you so you can have sometime alone with Veronica." His voice cracked just a fraction and he cleared his throat.

Our driver, Jones greeted us with a sympathetic smile and a kiss to my cheek. My grandfather only had his most vetted men in service today until I could secure my own team of trusted men. I'd known Jones since I was ten years old, his father having been a former Arrow for years until he died. "My condolences, Alexandra. Your mother was such a sweetheart. Always so kind and thoughtful."

Tears pricked my eyes as I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you so much, Jones. Or would you prefer Landon today. You are a guest of my family and as such I'd like you to pay your respects as well." He tips his head as he opens the rear door and allow me to slide inside.

The ride to the church is filled with welcomed silence. I clutch the locket I'd tucked into my dress, a gift my father had given to my mother after I was born, it's contents a picture of mom and I the day I was born engraved the two halves of my heart. A silent sob gets trapped in my throat as we pull up to the front of the church. "Ready to do this, kid?" Uncle Ben asks giving my hand a squeeze.

"Not in the slightest." I whisper and slide out with him behind me. My grandfather gives Ben a nod and he tucks me into his arms protectively and steers me inside the church. "If you get overwhelmed just pull on my jacket, okay." All I could is nod as we stepped inside the church. Most of the guests are Collective members since my mother's family are members of the Collective and this church is funded by the Collective, see their power knows no bounds.

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