Chapter 26

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"Bullshit!" I spit out as Tyler laughs. "In no way, shape or form am I related to your psychotic ass!" My palms sting from me digging my nails in them, but all my immediate focus is on the asshole in front of me. Tyler reels in his crazy by straightening his back and his eyes flash, anger dancing in them like twin emerald flames before he files it away with a slow blink. When he opens them again, I see it, pain swimming in those mossy eyes.

"I don't want to do this, Lexi," he sighs and suddenly I'm staring at one of my oldest and bestest friends. Ty and I had a bond like brother and sister and if what he says is the truth, I'm still calling bullshit on it, then that explains why I've never felt that attraction to him like the others. I scan his features for any sign of the Carson or Chamberlain genes. His jaw is angular and the brown stubble covering his jaw and cheeks dint match the strawberry blonde locks on his head since he's started dying his hair back in ninth grade. His nose is straight with a slight curve from when Killian broke it when we were ten.

"I see you analyzing every freckle and strand of my hair, Lex," he sighs again and shifts his tall form to lean on the lockers next to us. "I was just as shocked as you to find out our parents are massive liars. Nikolai had the audacity to send me away to Russia to make amends for his crimes. You should know I've had my hair dyed since we moved here because Nikolai was afraid we'd be recognized by the Russians." My brows furrow in confusion. I always thought Tyler looked like Nikolai, everyone said so, their Russian roots so distinctive. Not that I know a lot of Russians, but still...

"Why tell me this now?" I grit out, forcing my racing heart to calm the fuck down. If Tyler's my father's son, then that makes him the rightful heir to the Collective. "Is that why Donovan has summoned me?" The slight glimpse of concern vanishes from his eyes and an empty void slips in his eyes. His hands shake before he balls them into fists and mutters under his breath. My eyes shift just behind him to the camera a few feet away. Perhaps Luca's keeping a close eye on things? "Because this is a new low for that old son of a bitch."

"Trust me, that fucker's beyond pissed off and now he and the other members of the council are trying their damnedest to find a loophole," he chuckles and almost like he catches himself having a moment of humanity with me, he slams his fists into the locker and I jump. "Ah, I see that badass bravado is all a show and little Alexandra Carson is still scared of the boogie man huh?" I really want to smack the smirk off his face, but instead, I merely cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. "You don't know me anymore, asshole."

Tyler opens his mouth to respond, but the sounds of doors banging in the distance and rushed footsteps has a smirk curving his lips as he steps away. "Looks like the Calvary has arrived. I'll be seeing you soon, sis!" His laughter echos throughout the halls as I watch his broad back disappear around the corner.

"Alex!" Nate rushes over, accompanied by two boys who look to be juniors maybe? His gray eyes dart to where Tyler just made his swift exit and back to my face, searching for any sign of distress. I untangle my arms from around myself only to find the trembling in my extremities. "Are you alright? I'd just gotten word about the summons and Luca texted while I was in a meeting that Tyler was on the premises."

My eyes dart over to the two boys, one of which I recognize as Chris, a shrub of mine that was on the cliffs the day I was ambushed. He has the sense to look ashamed. The other is a tall, well built boy with green eyes and a short, auburn haircut. "My apologies, Alex. This is Silas James, a transfer from LA," Silas smiles and extends his tanned hand. "I've heard a lot about you, Alex. Rest assured, you have more allies than you know."

I nod and flick my gaze over to Nate, ignoring Chris all together. "So what's with the escort, Nate?" There's a slight twitch in his jaw, the one tell on the gage of emotions flowing through my boyfriend. I can't help but take in the exhaustion lingering in his gray eyes, making his chiseled features seem older than his eighteen years, his hair's lost that slicked back look as though he's recently ran his fingers through it, he's without his blazer even though school let out well over twenty minutes ago.

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