Chapter 10

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After Killian's revelation and Nate's guilt, I spent the next few days avoiding the guys at all costs. That is until Friday when I arrived at school with a card inside my locker.

Dearest Charlotte,

You're cordially invited to an all exclusive event at Temple in honor of DeLuca Rossi's 18th birthday. Car service will arrive at 9 pm.
Dress code for the evening: Angels and Devils.

For further information please contact Alexander Richards: IG: KingXanR or email:

I mentally smack myself for forgetting Luca's birthday. Every year Gino usually lets him skip school and we used to go to the beach, if it was warm enough. I'd always surprise him cupcakes. Now, things are so different, so uncertain.

"You got an invite too?" Sophie asked over my shoulder. I stuffed the card back in my locker and pulled out my laptop and the one hardback book I needed this semester before turning to face her.

"Yeah, not sure I'll go or not. I've been icing them out since I saw Killian." I yawned, grateful I got to school early enough that I can get coffee and a bagel before class. Sophie loops her arm through mine as we walk down the hall, our heels clicking the marvel floors.

"I'm still stuck on Nate crying at your grave." She hissed as we passed the boys standing in front of Killian's locker, looking like Greek gods themselves. Luca's chocolate eyes follow the length of my body, lingering on the skin exposed on my thighs between my thigh high socks and my skirt. I take in his brown hair, combed back and damp from either a swim or shower, his uniform shirt is tucked with the sleeves rolled up displaying his core tattoo on the inside of his forearm, his tie is loose around his neck and his pants are pressed and snug on his narrow hips with his blazer thrown over his shoulder, he could be a model. His lips curl into a smirk and I notice he'd ditched his contacts today.

Beside him, Xander looks like he literally just rolled out of bed and the his raven strands are more disheveled than usual, the shadows under his ocean eyes break my heart. His uniform is wrinkled and untucked, his blazer nowhere in sight and judging by the tic in Nate's jaw as he regards his little brother, I'm pretty sure he's pissed about the state of him. His gaze travels over me with a mixture of interest, longing and pain.

My gaze clashes with Killian's and his eyes drop, not necessarily to wander down my body, but purely from guilt alone. He's got his golden locks in a man bun, his facial hair is trimmed rather nicely. His shirt is untucked, sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing the tattoos on his arms, per usual, his tie and blazer are nowhere to be seen and his pants are snug on his muscular thighs. In Killian style instead of the standard shoes, he's wearing black boots. His large, muscular frame is stiff with tension despite him leaning casually against the locker on the other side of Luca.

Then there's the enigma known as Nathaniel Richards. The moment my gaze latches on to his steely gray eyes, his narrow almost like he's trying so desperately to pick me apart. My eyes take in the way his hair is damp and combed back, his angular face free of facial hair, he's in full uniform, with his blazer un buttoned and his shoes are perfectly shined. The slow grin on his lips and the underlying hunger in his eyes excites and annoys the fuck out of me. That he would even be flirting with another girl after going to my grave unless... No he couldn't have figured out my identity.

"Ladies, what's the rush?" His voice contradicts the pool of lust in his eyes as they roam down my body. Warmth pools at the pit of my stomach and I feel my cheeks heat under his gaze. "I assume you've received your invitation to Luca's birthday tomorrow night."

I cleared my throat and fold my arms over my chest, "It's a bit short notice don't you think?" I asked with a raised brow and twirling my dark auburn hair. Luca frowned, disappointment flashing in those chocolate eyes of his before he drops his gaze back to his phone.

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