I'll Be In The Stands (Stina Blackstenius)

Start from the beginning

You lost the final set 6-4.

"She's going to be ok right?" Frido wound down the window dividing her and Stina's booth.

"I don't know" Stina was already sending you a reassuring text "I hope so"

You felt like you let everyone down. Stina's message brought a momentary smile to your face but then you remember the reason why she sent it and the smile was replaced with a frown.

The Swedish national team had landed in New Zealand 26 hours after your match ended and Stina's phone remained glued in her hand but she still hadn't heard anything from you. She tried calling for the 5th time but like every time before that she was met with your voicemail.

"Is she still not picking up?" Magda asked.

"She does this sometimes. After a big loss she goes dark but she always texts me before doing so to let me know she's alright"

At first she wasn't worried but then her phone went off. She rushed to answer it not bothering to look at the caller ID. She assumed it would be you so imagine her surprise when you manager's voice comes through the phone. She told Stina that you asked her to cancel all media for the next week and since then she couldn't get a hold of you and she didn't know where you were.

The team were given the next two days off in hopes that they could get over their jet lag before training starts. Most of the girls had organised to meet up and explore the city but Stina declined their invite.

She was watching Notting Hill on her iPad remembering how you took her there your first day in London before the tournament started. Her favourite scene had just started when heard a knock at the door.

There you stood with some flowers and half a smile on your face. She was just about to talk when you heard the movie playing in the background.

"The fame thing isn't really real, you know?" And don't forget i'm also just a girl standing in front of a girl asking her to love me"

You knew the entire movie word for word. It was your comfort film and since meeting you, it had become Stina's too. Once your finished she flung her arms around you.

"Careful Älskling, someone might think you've missed me"

She was happy to see you joking around but you had her worried sick since the end of the match and now here you are in New Zealand acting as if nothing had happened.

"Where have you been? We have all been really worried about you"

"I'm sorry I didn't text. I knew I had let you down and I wasn't ready to face you yet"

Your joking expression vanished and the look of guilt took its place.

Stina walked back into her room and laid on the bed.

"Come here" she held her arms open wide.

You laid between her legs with your head resting on her chest. She began tracing patterns on your back and for the first time in days your thoughts became quiet and your mind was calm.

"You could never let me down Y/N. I have learnt that Tennis can be a cruel sport and this week it chose you as one of its victims"


"Shall I put this back to the beginning?" She asks referring to the film even though she knew you wouldn't see much of it. You were bound to be both physically and mentally exhausted.

The blonde felt your heart beat even out just as Hugh Grant spills coffee over Julia Roberts. When she looks down your eyes are closed. She couldn't believe you were here with her in New Zealand. She wasn't sure how long you would be staying for so she chose to savour the moment playing out in front of her.

A couple of hours pass and whilst Stina's whole body was starting to go numb, you looked too peaceful to wake so she put on another film secretly hoping that you would wake up soon because she was starting to get hungry. Just as she was strolling through nearby restaurants the door swings open.

"Stina, Y/N's here" Frido tells her but stops talking when she sees you fast asleep in her team mates arms or so that what she thought.

"We were at this coffee shop down the road and two girls were talking about how they had just met her" Zecira says not noticing you as she goes into the bathroom.

"Shhhh. She's asleep" Stina scolds her team mates.

"No she's not" you slowly sat up but not before placing a gentle kiss to your girlfriends lips.

You saw 4 Swedish woman looking at you and the awkward tension could be cut with a knife. All of them had watched the game and then saw the way Stina had been worried about you.

"Sorry you lost" Fillipa says earning a slap from Magda.

"Thanks but at least now I get to watch you girls play for the next month"

"You're staying for the whole thing? You're not going to play?" She was both happy that you were staying but also worried about you taking such a long break away from Tennis.

"I am. As for tennis, I think I need to take some time off but I can practice here when I'm ready because the courts are similar to New York"

Stina couldn't believe what she was hearing. The two of you just looked at each other, waiting for the other to speak.

"So you Y/N Y/L/N are going to be a WAG?"

"Yes, Stina Blackstenius I am going to be a WAG. I will wear my highlighter shirt to every game and cheer you on"

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