Without Stan

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Hey, reader. It's me, Kyle. You know that story you've just read? Yeah, I was retelling a story from my boyfriend Stan's perspective. He meant a lot to me, I miss him. I realise now I could've saved him more than anything, I replied too late when he comitted suicide. I feel like everything in me is dead. I wrote this story on behalf of Stanley, in hopes someone would try to care at the very least. Please, even if someone isn't struggling on the outside, please check if they're okay. I made that mistake and that mistake is something I will never bare to do again because I lost my best friend with the only thing left of him are photos of us, our old passed notes and his hat. I wanted to save him.
I couldn't save him.
I feel like everything was worth nothing.
Like he threw everything away,
but I know he wanted to live.
On the inside,
he was still a little boy.
And this is why I am writing this now, to announce my passing. I want to be with Stan. I want to see him again. To everyone this note reaches, don't make the mistakes I did in life. I care for you all. I'm sorry Kenny.
"I was just a boy."
"I love you, Stan."
After the both of their deaths, their hats were left above their graves. And matching flowers.
I guess all stories, even involving death, have a happy ending eventually.

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