I hate this.

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Friday, July 8th 2007
I walk to school, like every other fucking day.
I hate it here. But Kyle's here. I love Kyle. We have been together for a month at least, but I am planning something, something no one will ever forgive. The day was normal. I got home, I swung into my room. I wrote a letter on text to everyone.
"Dear whoever receives this and reads this, I am sorry to be saying to you so soon during teen years. I would never last anyway I feel like Kyle would be better of without me. I'm sorry for everyhing I've everything ive done to people, especially Wendy, Tolkien and Kyle. Please remember that none of this is your fault, Kyle. I love you. Also to Eric Cartman I hope you die you fat arsehole."
I look at my phone, and I press send quickly before dropping my phone. I stare at the traffic below me, smiling softly. I take my hat off, in hopes whoever finds it is kyle, I wrote on it (FOR KYLE B.). I now let myself go completely and drop. The fall is slow and it hits hard, I feel pain for a second and then it all stops.
I'm free.

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