Chapter 8 - Frustrated

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Monday had rolled around again and as usual my weekend had been plagued with thoughts of Rose. I was glad it was back to the start of the week because I had lots of meetings today, which I hoped would distract me.

I was frustrated.

Sexually frustrated.

Not only did I not take home the raven haired girl on Friday, I also kept myself in all weekend, in my library that I mentioned to Rose. Just sitting. Thinking.

I was going crazy.

When I saw her on Friday night, I honestly couldn't even take my eyes off her. And when that guy touched her, something in me...Snapped.

And I realised, that I wanted to be the one to touch her. Not him. Not anyone else. Me.

She was mine.

No, I bloody wasn't in love with her. Love doesn't exist.

This was a fascination. A thirst. I just had to have her, touch her, fuck her. Then maybe, just maybe, the thirst would go away and my attention would go else where. Back to my normal self.

Maybe I would have to fuck her numerous times for the fascination to go away.

This was definitely strong. I had never lusted this much over a woman before. No woman had ever interested me as much as to order my private investigator to fish all the information he could find about her. Normally that was for business partners and rivals, even enemies. Never to do with my sex life.

Rose's file was still in the bottom drawer of my desk, just itching to be touched. But I haven't.

It took everything in me to just not peek through it. I was dying to know about her ex-fiancée, what his name was, what he looked like, why they had finished. That was the big mystery.

Who in their right mind would mess up the opportunity to be with a woman like Rose?! I honestly couldn't find a fault in her.

There were so many questions that I had unanswered. And I was dying to ask them.

Why was she so freaked out about cars that she refused to go in them? Why did she want to walk home all the time? Surely driving home would be safer than walking home in the dark, alone.

Engagements just don't end for no reason. Did he cheat on her? Did he die? What on earth happened?

That was one thing I definitely did not like. I hated the thought of her walking home. Anything could happen. Especially to her. Beautiful, sexy, innocent. She was almost as rich as me now, although a part of me thinks she doesn't like to acknowledge it. Which made her a hell of a lot different than all the other woman I had met.

Rose kept closing herself off to me. It was like one step forward and two steps back. I was so close to getting the answers but then she quickly shut herself off.

She had asked if I wanted kids. Surely that would mean she was interested? For some reason I could actually imagine kids with her, and that had never happened before.

It worried me. It really worried me. 

My office phone broke me out of my thoughts. The shrill noise adding to my already pounding headache.

"Yes?" I growled into it.

"Mr Lawson, I have Mr Ben Clark from Carter Homes on line one, he would like to scheduled a meeting sometime this week. You have Wednesday at 3 o'clock free, would you like me to arrange it?" My assistant asked. She was great, the best assistant I ever had. She was practically like a second mother to me. She had been here ever since I was born.

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