Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Hi! Thanks for checking out this story! Updates will be once a week, I'm excited! Just wait until you see what's in store for these characters ;) 

I can guarantee that you will laugh, cry, swoon, smile and fall in love! Let's gooooooooo 


- Rose  Smith - 

I sighed, resting my forehead against the window glass. Another bad day. Outside it looked and sounded like hailstones, battering down. It was dark, the summer nights long gone, only to be replaced by dark, eerie, October coldness. It was going to be a long winter.

My small, cosy apartment was only a ten minute walk from my office job, but it would probably feel like ten hours in this weather.

"Just get in my car," My co-worker and best friend, Alexandra, said from beside me. I bit my lip sadly, trying not to let the tears spring to my eyes like they normally did. After three months, you'd think I'd be over it by now. You'd think I'd be used to being in a car again. You'd think I'd be used to going home to an empty apartment.

You're stronger than this, Rose.

"I can't. Don't worry, I'll be fine, it's only a  little hail..." I trailed off. I leaned back a bit, seeing my reflection in the glass. Plain, lifeless brown hair, dull brown eyes, nothing interesting at all. Just like he always said. His words still bloody haunt me, I even believe his words now.

"Seriously, Rose, I can't let you walk home in that!" Alexandra came by my side so now both of us were looking out into the mess that was our city. It was so dark and miserable, with the city lights trying to light up the night. But the hailstones were battering down and it was even difficult to make out the building next to us.

"Honestly, I'll be fine. You know my track record with cars..." Again, I trailed off. I felt Alexandra freeze next to me.

It was true, I knew how to drive, however I chose not to anymore. My parents had died in a car crash when I was nineteen years of age. I was in the back seat, but was lucky enough to survive with just a concussion, broken arm and a few broken ribs.

I was fine going back to driving after that.

But as if life had decided that I hadn't had enough, I was in another car crash, barely even three months ago. And that, was still definitely fresh in my mind.

And that, was why I would never step foot in a car again.

I was engaged to Paul. Now thinking back on it, he didn't treat me right. He was awful. But at the time, I couldn't look past him. Gosh, I was an idiot. Stupid girl. Young and in love. Never will I let that happen again.

He was controlling. Abusive. And one day I woke up finding myself stuck in a relationship with a man I didn't love anymore.

That particular Saturday, I woke up, made Paul his breakfast, took his dogs out, did the food shopping, dropped Paul off at the bar, cleaned the house, took his dogs out again and then picked up Paul at 3am on Sunday morning, he was absolutely wasted. It seemed like such a normal day.

However, on that drive home, Paul was a little too drunk. He was trying it on with the barmaid when I found him, not getting anywhere with her, and once I got him in the car and started driving, he tried it on with me.

Grabbing my thighs.

Pulling my hand over to make me touch him.

Roughly trying to make me look at him.

He started getting very angry when I had to keep telling him that I was driving and would get us home soon.

His once normal brown eyes had turned darker, scarier, filled with rage. He began shouting at me, by then I was used to him shouting and saying horrible things. His combed brown hair was now all over the place. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead. His voice, Jesus, his voice...Laced with venom.

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