Mia hops out the car covering her face with her backpack while the press shoves microphones in her way, asking too many questions at once. She holds tightly onto Clem's hand as they both follow the Sheriff who's escorting them toward the school, pushing and blocking the reporters. Getting smushed in the mob too as if she's a celebrity, Julie groans as an elbow hits her in the stomach and a pair of heavy feet steps all over her new shoes.

"They're here for an education, put those things away!" The Sheriff, maneuvers through a sea of chattering reporters and lots of bright flashing lights from the cameras.

Entering the building, Mia puts on the backpack, ignoring all the stares from classmates and the school staff as she talks to Hoseok. "Thanks for the ride, Hoseok."

Julie sighs in annoyance, bending down to wipe the dirt off her new shoes. "God, how do you get use to that?"

Knowing exactly what she's talking about, Mia shrugs with a frown. "Apparently, I don't have a choice but to get use to it because this is my life now,"

The Sheriff smiles assuringly. "Okay, there's ton of police officers here so you all will be safe," he puts a hand on Mia's left shoulder. "I will get down to the bottom of this—this prank or whatever it was that happened last night, okay?"

Mia nods with hopeful eyes, sighing with a sad smile. "Thanks, Hobi."

"Alright, you three get to class," The Sheriff exits the building, making his way through the mob waiting outside taking pictures.

"Well I have trigonometry this morning, so I'm gonna grab an energy drink from the snack machine. See you girls later," Julie sighs then says to Clementine with a genuine smile while walking away. "It was nice meeting you,"

"You as well," Clementine returns the smile.

Mia unlocks her phone when it chimes and reads the text "Kristen and the others are on the football field." and then tucks it down in her pocket while Clementine follows her towards the other side of campus.

"Damn, I love it when school starts on a Friday. Are you going to Liam's party tonight?" Jungkook asks biting down on his lip ring, looking sideways at Kristen as she holds an open journal on her left thigh, scribbling on the pages with a black pen.

Kristen's hair that was once shaven has now grown into a very short pixie and is dyed as the color of ocean blue. She glances at Jimin and Liam standing on the fresh cut grass throwing a football back and forth then mumbles "I don't know,"

Jungkook scoffs, elbowing her in the shoulder. "Oh come on, you use to love partying."

"Well yeah, that was before my ex tried to kill me," she says in a sad sarcastic tone, swinging the pen around her fingers.

"Hey, she tried to kill us all but look at us now," Jungkook says in a inspiring voice while closing his eyes with a smile on his face and the wind blowing through his fluffy shoulder length dark hair. "We are survivors, Kris. We got another chance at life. You gotta take advantage of that shit. A bullet missed my heart by two centimeters, you think I'm gonna let that hold me back from living my life? Nah. Life is too short to be thinking about the past. God gave you a second chance for a reason so take it and move forward,"

Kristen lifts an eyebrow. "You've been watching Oprah again?"

Jungkook nods with a wide smile. "She's very inspirational. Got me through some tough shit, actually done way more than what my shrink did,"

Kristen cackles, closing her notebook that has her written thoughts in it and then shoves it inside her backpack. "So, that shit on the news about what happened last night at Kennedy's house didn't frighten you?"

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