Toxic Love

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Loving you was like cutting myself with a knife everyday... Yet I did.. Till I bled to death

I gave you my heart. But you burned it to black and now you wonder why my soul is this much dark...

I kneeled down for you till my knees were bruised but still it was not enough.. And when I chose me then I'm the bad one.

I ignored your faults while you kept pointing mine yet I loved you deeply

I loved you to the point I couldn't recognise myself in the mirror. Bruised and lost. I held on for the sake of our relationship

And finally when I choose to leave . You want me to stay. Begging me to hold on to the one destroying my soul

Realising the mistake I did. Loving someone who stabbed me in my heart everyday. I finally took the courage and left even if it broke my heart...


This poem is inspired by the toxic relationship I witness in my life and I don't want anyone of you to be in such a relationship. Someone who truly loves you wouldn't hurt you and would cherish you the way you are.
I hope you all find love and happiness in your life.
I am perhaps a dark Author but even the darkest souls have a good heart

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