Chapter 6

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"I am the goddess of light"____________________________

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"I am the goddess of light"

"Why wasn't I informed the moment something originally happened?" Claude hissed at one of the maids outside his daughter's room as Felix and him walked up to the door after sending Duke Doukas' to his son. "Shouldn't your first thought be to get me when something like this happens?"

The maid across from him trembled as she squeaked out a response, "W-we tried to but when we sent so-someone to tell you, the maids of the ma-main palace said we shouldn't disturb you with... trivial stuff like the P-princess."

The glare on Claude's face hardened as Felix asked for the name of the insolent maid who had told her that while he pushed past them, entering the room.

When he opened the door, ignoring Athanasia who was asleep right by her sister's side, holding her limp hand, he was taken aback by the sight in front of him. Alethea, who from the little time he had gotten to know her, was always full of life and was someone who seemed to shine brightly but the little girl in front of him didn't feel like the same kid. Her usual bright golden hair lifelessly hung around her and her skin once flushed with color was now sickly pale and for a second he was a kid again, standing in front of his mother's bed as she laid there, looking sickly and frail.

He had always thought that his youngest daughter looked a lot like his mother but now it felt like they were the same person. His mother had fallen sickly after overusing her divine powers and before she could recover she had fallen pregnant and given birth to him. Since she was already weak from the overuse of her powers, her body couldn't take the backlash of giving birth and it took the rest of her divine powers to keep her from dying that day. After that, without the divine energy her body had become come custom to running through her veins, she fell ill and couldn't leave her bed. That's why his father had named him Claude which meant lame and crippled, having blamed him for his mother's sickness.

Snapping out of his shock, he glanced at the head priest who stood by Alethea's other side with his hand on her head. Claude walked with long strides and grabbed the man's wrist, pulling it away from his daughter. "What do you think you're doing?" He spat, his grip on the man tight enough to break his bones. "Who gave you permission to come in here?"

"I don't need anybody else's permission but that of the goddess and it was from following her will that has led me here." The head priest answered, barely flinching from the emperor's tight hold on him.

"This is still my palace, you need still listen to me when in here."

The priest scuffed, "When compared to the authority of the goddess, One needn't mind you much." He ripped his hand away, smirking as he mockingly added, "Your majesty, I dare say Lady Valsemina was quite lucky to have passed before your reign came to be, lest she have to see how much of a disappointment you turn out to be."

Before walking away, he turned back to say, "I'll be back in a week to see Princess Alethea, she should be up in just two but I'll wait until she is done resting, I think she could be the next saintess. A good candidate to live up to Lady Valsemina's legacy, at least a much better one than you."

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