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   "Hello, my Beautiful flower~!" ____________________________

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"Hello, my Beautiful flower~!"

Alethea ran towards the temple as a giant Buffalo-like monster caused a ruckus and chased the goddess's followers around the holy grounds. The thirteen-year-old saintess healed any injuries she came across as she made her way closer to the monster.

The Paladins tried surrounding the Catoblepas but one look into its eyes turned them to stone, making them useless until a priest or Alethea could come to purify them.

The second princesses of the Obelia empire was one of the only ones immune to the gaze of the beast, along with the high priests but they were hiding, and so it was up to her to stop it.

As she finally made it closer to the Buffalo-like monster, she noticed a little kid collapsed on the floor with an injured leg and another, slightly older boy trying to pull him to safety. They both had the same purple hair and brown eyes full of tears as the beast roared and charged at them.

Alethea, not wasting even a second, threw herself in front of the monster, using her body as a shield to keep them safe. Right before the Catoblepas attack her, she released all her stored-up divine powers into the air around her, healing the injured and purifying the paladins, bringing them back into the fight.

With the beast's gaze solely focus on her as its razor-sharp teeth embedded into her skin, it didn't notice the Paladins behind it or when one raised his sword, quickly ending its life shortly after.

The young princess collapsed forwards, exhaling her last breath as the hiding priests all came running towards her, fearing the wrath of the Emperor if she was truly dead.

The oldest of the two boys Alethea had given her life to protect was the first to reach her mutilated body. He kneeled down before her body and closed her still-open eyes, ignoring the yelling priests as he said a little prayer for the fallen.

"Thank you" he whispered before being pushed aside by The head priest.

The head priest tried to heal the dead saintess but no mortal had the power to bring somebody back from the dead and he was no exception.

The Captain of the paladins sadly picked up the saintess's body as the Head priest sent word of the second princess's death to the emperor.

And November 30th would forever always be known as the saddest day in the Obelia empire's history.


Im Hwa-Young cried as she hugged the novel close to her as she finish reading her favorite story for the seventh time. The ending always got to her, no matter how many times she read it, it never failed to make her sad.

"Hwa-Young," Jang, her make-up artist sighed "I just finished your makeup, you can't be crying now"

"I'm sorry but Alethea's death always gets to me, you know?" the brown-haired girl apologized as her friend wiped away her tears and fixed her makeup once more.

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