Chapter 1 ~ The House, the Doll, And The Door

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In the darkroom that was once the doll-making room, a low-tone voice was humming a song, crafting and making dolls of two young humans, but doing it one at a time. Soon, the figure saw two dolls floating from the window back to the room, a blond boy wearing a white button shirt, red vest, black pants, and blue shoes. Next to it was a silky blond girl wearing a t-shirt jean jacket, a red and pink tank top, black and green pants, and in wearing black, red, and yellow. He held the dolls with both hands and gently placed them with the other 12 that had come earlier from their "travels." And with this, it began crafting a new doll to send off its voyage to the real world.

He gets out a doll body husk not stuffed with the stuffing or sand-like stuffing yet but had a lovely skin fabric; it was usually white pale like human skin to color and sewed into a female shape to add while stuffing it. As the figure hummed his song, he had some sand filling the doll before sowing the fabric into the body's shape. He then began adding the milkweed fluff to the beauty while grabbing some brown yarn and using a brush to form it into the hair after many strokes. It felt soft as he fixed the hair to a perfect length and style.

Seeing how it looked so well, the figure smiled and continued his work. In a bit, he began to craft the doll's eyes, first to have a perfect set of buttons found and to sew onto the doll before making the clothes and accessories to wear. The being had used the sowing machine in stitching the clothes pieces together with care and having unique tread to help keep the accessories onto the doll so they don't fall or be torn off. Soon enough, the doll was finally completed in his hands. The doll looked like a young girl with freckles on her face, brown hair over her shoulders, and bangs above her eyes, and her cheeks were in a bright pink blush. The doll also looked young with a cute smile and had black button eyes, wearing navy glasses over the button eyes, and was dressed in a purple and navy sports jacket, purple t-shirt, dark blue pants, and purple shoes. The figure smiles, liking how the doll now looks, gently strokes its hair, and kisses it on its forehead, whispering a message in its ear.

???: Happy, safe travels, little one~ Come home to me soon with our little guest.

Soon, the being opens the windows and lets the doll go; it floats in the air and out the window for his next victim in the real world. The figure gently closes the windows and then leaves the room while still humming his song... patiently waiting for the new visitor. In another dimension, a moving truck was on its way to a big Victorian house as a new resident was about to live there, along with the neighbors still living there.

Moving driver: *smiles and looks to the young lady sitting beside him* Here we are, young miss, we made it to your new home. I bet you are excited to start your life independently, as your parents will be proud of you. You are a fortunate girl.

The young woman was in her 20s, all dressed in a purple and navy zipper jacket and hood, wearing dark blue glasses over her eyes, dark navy jeans with pockets in the front and back of the jeans, and flat shoes in different shades of purple. Despite looking unsure, she was silent or spaced out while looking at the house. She sadly knew her parents wouldn't come as they needed time to heal from an unfortunate fate between them and her, but she knew they loved her very much more than their work, but their boss wouldn't want them to go with her... this sadly has their daughter to go live on their own in a new town and home alone.

Moving driver: *noticed the young woman spaced out or something* Miss? Are you okay? Um, excuse me..?

The woman suddenly blinked in surprise and looked to the driver to softly smile and nod. Also, to pardon herself for her spacing out.

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