A Problem

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Chapter 1: Busted Dealers

"Prepare to feel my heat!" A red ninja shouted out at his foes, using his elemental powers to push them back. The bandits cowering back from the fire, snarled at the master of fire.

"Damn you ninjas!" One of the bandits angrily yelled. These guys were not having a good day.

The ninja were on a mission to stop the distribution of a new type of  drug and these bandits happened to have been caught at the right place at the right time.

"For a bunch of drug dealers these guys put up a good fight." Cole remarked. Pushing another bandit into the floor, cuffing them.

"We need to secure the drugs before we take them into custody." Zane reminded the others, using his own elemental power to freeze the feet of a few bandits.

As if on cue, two of the lesser bandits ran to the truck, attempting to escape with their cargo.

"Hey! They're getting away!" Jay yelled out.

"Me and Jay will get the drugs secured." Nya responded to Zane, running to the truck with Jay following behind her.

"You two try not to get a taste of those drugs!" Kai joked, dogging hits from a bandit. Feeling the heat rise in his hands once more, throwing a ball of fire to the bandits feet. 

The bandit cursed with their now on fire shoes stomping on the ground to extinguish the fire. It didn't take long till the fire master tackled them down, swatting their feet for the fire to go out and cuffing them.

Nya and Jay made it to the truck before the other bandits could drive off. Jay runs up to the driver seat, pulls the driver out and cuffs them before moving to help Nya secure the others.

Nya getting the last of the bandits cuffed, she ran to open the truck to reveal boxes and what appeared to be bags full of the drug.

Cole and Kai rounded up the bandits into one area of the secluded garage before moving to see what Nya had found.

"Wow that is..a lot." Jay noted, turning to Nya with a concerned look. Nodding to Jay, Nya called out to Zane.

"This truck is loaded with this stuff." She said, looking at the amount of stacks of bags and boxes.

Zane climbed into the truck and started scanning the contents 

"It appears to be a variety of drugs with the similarity of the chemical we are currently tracking down." Zane said as he finished scanning the cargo. Kai and Cole arrived to hear that. Leaning onto the truck Cole asked Zane a question.

"Wait, so they're making all different kinds of drugs from the chemical?" Zane confirms Cole's statement with a nod.

"They all appear to have the same strand of Chanell additional to other similar contents; each formula differentiates by the amounts of doses in each." Zane added, taking a few samples of each type to send to Borg industries later for testing.

"But why would they need to make difficult ones if Chanell is already such a strong chemical?" Nya questioned. The other ninja all turned their head to Zane except Kai who had kept his eye on the bandits.

"We can figure all that out later, we need to call the station to get rid of these bandits and take in the drugs." Kai stated to the others. Jay groaned at the reminder.

"Man, can't we just call and leave them? I'm tired of all this fighting and I stink." Jay complained.

"You know what guys, why don't you all go back to the bounty and I'll wait for the police to get here." Kai suggested. As good as the idea sounded, Cole couldn't just leave Kai all by himself to deal with this.

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