Chapter Three | 03

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I survived the night at Carlson's apartment and got back to my room very early in the morning.

It was just luck that made the cleaners forget to lock the backdoor that led to the kitchen.

So with tricks, I crawled my way up the stairs and closed myself up in the comforts of my room.

I jumped out of my bed, cheeks reddening, heart beating so fast against my chest, maybe I was getting butterflies in my stomach and stepped onto the floor barefoot when a stone hit my window.

It isn't the first time someone is trying to catch my attention by throwing stones at my window.

I know the culprit. 

My fingers squeeze the blinds against my knuckles and rip them apart, parting way for the most charming smile I have seen in our little town.

"What are you doing?" I ask while motioning my arms at him in a way of getting him to move out of the garden before someone sees him. "Give me a minute. I'm coming."

I chuckle over my clumsiness and dash to the drawer by the side of my bed, get some supplies, and work magic to pull my hair in a steady burn over my head.

I could as well let it flow down my back in its waves, but my hair is stubborn and it takes time to bring it to order.

I'm out of my room, playing hide and seek with the maids as I make my way out of the mansion in an item of clothing that isn't worthy of being in fashion.

It's plain and twisted at the corners as it gathers around my knees to form a ridiculous gown.

There's nothing more decent than this piece of clothing in my closet unless Morris gets his daughter to shove her used clothes in my face for the regular family gatherings.

After which she collects them back and sends them to an orphanage as an act of charity.

I'm not even bordered as my legs race against the sand to climb over the fence and drop to the cart outside the gate.

There's nothing more refreshing than eluding the mansion for a while.

Carlos catches me and rubs a finger over my ear while I stare him deep in the eyes.

He's hiding something.

I know it.

"I thought you won't show up since Morris gave you a headache the last time you brought yourself here."

"I had to show up. Come with me," he abandons his cart and takes my hand in his, pulling me behind an old house and down the street to the playground.

Surprisingly it's empty and there's a bicycle locked in place just beneath the swing.

"We need to talk. I have to tell you something."

I gulp.

My throat is dry.

A lot of frightful things go through my head as he walks us to the swing and picks up the bicycle.

"What you have to tell me, is it serious? Have I done something which has put you in a bad mood?"

He just chuckles and guides me to hop on the bicycle with him.

I retort. "Carlos, say something."

"You haven't done anything."

He goes for my arms and fastens my hands around his waist, making sure I'm holding tightly onto him.

There's just wind, leaves, and dust blowing through the vast field as he begins riding the bicycle.

"I'm sorry."

That's all he says and keeps riding the bicycle.

"Why?" My brows arch in surprise and I'm tempted to let go of his waist, but I keep my calm.

I've never been close to his abdomen like today.

So I seize the chance to let my hands wander a bit.

And he lets me touch him.

And I touch him a little more intimately.

"Carlos?" I call out and he stiffens immediately.

"I—" he stutters and there's a break for him to catch a breath before he pulls on the brakes and comes to a halt under a tree.

It's a mango tree where couples in our town sign their names with their partners promising to be together forever.

Carlos had dragged me to sign our names against this tree last year.

He murmurs. "My family is moving abroad."

"And?" I take in a sharp breath, mentally preparing myself for what he might say.

There's a stinging sensation in my gut and voices ring through my ears but I shoot them out and give my attention to Carols.

Who knows, maybe I'm overthinking things and getting him wrong in my head.

He removes a wristwatch from his chest pocket and hands it over to me, not even meeting my eyes with his face.

"We will be gone by Friday. My parents haven't said when we will be back. I don't know if I will ever be back someday." He turns and hooks the watch onto my wrist before taking my hands in his. "I'm sorry, but we can't keep up with our relationship."

"You are joking."

I move my hand out of his grip and ball my knuckles into a fist.

I can't accept what he just said.

It's not even making sense in my head.

The more I think about it, the more I want to grow mad and ask someone to hit me in the head with a stick.

He isn't trying to leave me, is he?

I'm short on words. "I don't like jokes."

"I tried telling you last week but you didn't want to listen." He brings out a small pocketbook from his slacks and shoves it into my hands.

His eyes are busy going through my face to notice that I dropped the book on the grass. "You kept me at arm's length because I showed up late for our date."

"It was my birthday." I nearly scream at him, but the urge is gone the moment he takes out a wipe to clean the sweat on my face.

I don't need his gentleman's trickery right now.

I toss his hands out of my sight. "It was my birthday. You came late without a gift, not an excuse. What should I have done?"

"You didn't let me explain—"

"Hold it." I raise my finger to his chest and poke his muscles. "You are ungrateful. How could you? How could you think of breaking up with me on my birthday? Who does that?"

"Shortcake, stop," he comes after me as I grab a piece of metal from the grass and begin to dig the portion of the tree that housed our initials. "I didn't tell you earlier because I wanted to do it properly. I know you will never wait for me. I don't want to be selfish and ask you to wait when I'm not even sure of coming back."

"Let go," I nudge him on the ribs, break free from his grip, and begin to make my way to the mansion amid overgrown grass. "You are greedy Carlos. I hate you. Go to hell."


Author's Note: Yes! If you are reading this then you must have read chapter three.

Thanks for giving Andrea your attention.

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