Chapter 1 Where it all began

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Spotify song, available in external links.

Song- K. by cigarettes after sex.

Before I let you start with my story, let me take you back to where it all began. It all took place with me and Andrea {my best friend) moms being friends. Andrea and I were born on the same day and time on 20th March. We grew up together as neighbours, but when we turned 13, tragic things took place, my mom caught my dad cheating with some woman, and with continuous arguments and fights, finally the divorce was finalized, but this caused me and my mom to shift from that house. Even though Andrea and I were in the same city, we weren't neighbours anymore. But this didn't stop me from loving her. We still loved each other a lot. So much that I couldn't bear to see even a single drop of tears in her eyes. I grew up as a silent yet caring and loving girl, while she grew up as someone who was loved by all and received all the attention.

I have been so naïve my whole life that I didn't even realize how my close ones were the ones who kept manipulating me.

I met Pedro when we were about Ten years old. We met during our Sunday school.

Eight years ago, during Sunday school

Pedro- Hi! What is your name?

Adriana- Adriana, what about yours?

Pedro- Pedro

That was how we met. I know it was so simple, but slowly we became best friends. We used to go around pranking each other. I used to go and hide his water bottle while he would go and paste notes on the back of my shirt. That was how we were, but not for long.

Once, he had to go to his native place, as his grandfather was ill and we couldn't meet each other physically, but one day when I jokingly asked him, am I your crush? He unexpectedly agreed. That's when he proposed to me, and I was hesitant because I secretly had a crush on him too. I was scared and unsure, but I still agreed to his proposal because I wasn't unsure about my love for him. We dated online for about a year. It went pretty well until he stopped talking to me, and Pedro stopped replying to my texts. I patiently waited for him to return, and we were again the same I could see that he liked Andrea, but I overlooked it because I loved him. Days went by, but nothing changed, he was still reserve, and I could see in his eyes that he loved Andrea.

Moving on things didn't go as planned. I broke up with Pedro. But soon after I broke up with him, his mom died, and I didn't know what to feel anymore. I didn't even know that his mother was ill. We both didn't talk, I did mourn his mother's death, but he became even more distant, and that's when I caught him and Andrea....

StuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora