Chapter 17: Intervention(Small Lemon)

Start from the beginning

Kai: "Weiss..."

Weiss then turned red and looked away.

Weiss: "B-but of course you'll need me. You can't do anything without me you know."

Kai then embraced her in a hug. Weiss was wide eyed but then she embraced her arms around him as well.

Kai: "You can just say you'd miss me. It's ok."

Weiss: "...idiot."

They both smiled at each other as they let go of each other. Seth and Ranger both looked at their teammates, proud of their accomplishments.

Seth: "See. We told you. No matter how weak you may seem, which you're not, you will always have your friends to back you up and regain your strength. Because bonds you make along the ways in your journey, is real power. No evil can break it."

Ranger: "Yeah. You're right."

Seth then felt a hand on his shoulder. He recognized who it was and his expression changed into a scared one.

Nora: "So, you think you can forget about us?"

They both turned to see team JNPR smiling at them. Nora then latched herself onto Seth's arm.

Seth: " y'all already know?"

Ren: "She did...It was disgusting."

-Flashback, The day of Ranger vs. Rook-

Seth and Nora were walking through the West area of Vale, looking for Ranger and Pyrha.

Seth: "I wonder if those two are ok."

Nora: "I mean, yeah! Rangers like, Super Cowboy. And Pyrha is Super Woman. There's nothing those two can't get out of."

Seth: "I guess you're right. You know, it seems I can count on you for optimistic measures, Nora."

She turned red, chuckled and rubbed the back of her head.

Nora: "Well yeah. Someone has to look on the brightside of things..."

They continued walking their long, awkward search. Then Nora broke the silence.

Nora: "Seth."

Seth: "Yeah, Nora?"

Nora: "There's something I want to-"

She was cut off by the sound of a loud metal bang that was made from a distance. Seth looked back concerned.

Seth: "That might be them. Come on."

He tried to run to the direction of the sound, but was held back by Nora holding hid arm.

Seth: "Nora, we don't have time for-"

He was cut off by being pinned to a wall in an alleyway. Nora was looking down at her feet, holding Seth by his shoulders. Hid face giving off a light red blush.

Seth: "Nora, what're you?..."

Nora: "Seth, I...I..."

Seth: "Nora, if you're nervous to say it, we can wait later if needed."

Nora shot her head up looking at him with a red blush on her face.

Nora: "No!"

Her grip on his shoulders tightened up a bit.

Nora: "I meant, no. This, is something that I gotta tell you now."

Seth: "Are you su-"

He was silenced by Nora slamming her lips onto his. He was wide eyed at first, but he soon melted into it. Then both wrapped their arms around each other not breaking the kiss. A couple of seconds later, they broke of the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva from their mouths.

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