Chapter 4: Spark of A New Generation

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Goodwitch has been looking worried as she still looks at the cameras in the forest. And she looks less worried when they all got back together and grabbed the relic.

Goodwitch: "Well, they at least got the easiest part of the task done. But you still didn't answer my question, Oz. Do you really think, that they can pull that off?"

Ozpin then pushed his spectacles up to fix its position.

Oz: "It's not a matter of thinking, Glynda. I've seen what these boys can do when they work together. It's a strong force, that not even the Cyclops can demolish."

Goodwitch: "Let's hope you're right."

They both then look into the distance whenever they hear both the Grimm and the four boys yell out their lungs.

They boys run at the cyclops in hopes of taking down its legs first. The beast caught on and threw a low swing with his weapon. The four dodged out of the way in different directions.

Seth: "Ok so we know it's smart! Catch it off guard!"

Kai nodded and turned his chakrams into his glider, and flew up around the Cyclops, and started throwing fireballs at it. They were successful hits, but not enough to damage the beast, as he simply used his hand to swat Kai away like a fly. Kai quickly regained composure and flew down back to were Seth was throwing his cards at the Cyclops.

Kai: "It keeps protecting its head for some reason. The weakness must be there!"

He then chucked both chakrams at the Cyclops, at the head to test his theory. The creature blocked both weapons with the armor on his hand.

Seth: "Looks like you were right!"

Seth through one of his "wild cards"( one that blows up on impact. It was heading straight for the Cyclops eye. He blocked it with his hand just almost hitting his eye.

Seth: "That's it."

Ranger:" It's the eye isn't it?! He was blocking my shots when I fired at it."

Seth: "Yeah. We gotta wear it down in order to attack."

Percy: "I'll get it's legs. And if need be, distract it's ears."

He ran off to attack the legs with his fists and semblance.

Kai: "Seth, can you help me with the arms and it's weapon? If we can take them out, it'll give us a better shot."

Seth nodded, and Kai turned his chakrams back into the glider. Seth hopped on and held onto Kai's shoulders.

Seth: "Ranger. Go back on the cliff, I'll get you your shot!"

Ranger gave a devilish smile.

Ranger: "Got it!"

He ran of to go back to the cliff as Seth and Kai flew close enough to the Cyclops arms. Ranger sat on one knee, and held his weapon in a concentrated aiming stance.

Ranger: "Come on you three."

Percy was using his speed to get around the beasts legs and he attack with his punches whenever he saw an opening. His last hit was effective, but the leg came up over Percy as if it was going to crush him. Percy saw this and quickly converted his gauntlets into his amplified muzzle, and yelled activating his semblance, and sent more powerful soundwaves out of the weapon attacking the Grimms foot. The yell was powerful enough to destroy the leg, leaving the Grimm unbalanced. Percy saw this opportunity and turned his muzzle back to gauntlets and turned the weapons into lightning gloves and ran at the leg and landed a barrage of punches which did the same for the other leg. Leaving the Grimm a stump with head and legs. The Grimm then let out a painful roar after being on the ground after the attack made on him.

Seth and Kai saw this and knew they were one step closer to taking out the Cyclops. Even after it's legs were cut off, it still put up a fight.

Seth: "Kai, when I say amputate, you amputate it."

Kai: "Got it!"

They continued to fly around the Grimm, with Seth firing his cards and Kai firing his fireballs at the grimms armor on its arms. Seth fired one more wild card at the armor, and with that explosion the armor was destroyed.

Seth: "Amputate!"

Kai then turn his glider into chakrams and hurled both of them at the Cyclops' left arm, which cut the arm completely off. The beast let out another road, louder than the last one as it is more in pain then before. The Cyclops then dropped his weapon and held onto its cleaved arms yelling cryies in pain.
Seth and Kain landed on the ground next to Percy, and they three had concerned looks on their face.

Kai: "You know I kind of feel bad for the big guy."

Percy: "Yeah. He was only angry that people were invading his home. He was only protecting it. He had the right to be mad."

Seth: "Yeah, I guess you're right. But all in all, we still have a job to do."

The Cyclops then looked at Seth. Both of them locked eye contact, and the Cyclops nodded at him. As if he simply wanted the pain to stopped quickly.

Seth: "Glad you're willing to comply, big guy."

Seth put his hand up in the air, and gave a thumbs up signaling Ranger he has a clear shot. Ranger saw this from the cliff and smiled.

Ranger: "One Shot, One Kill."

Ranger fired one his bullets at the Cyclops eye. Which hit directly, leaving a giant hole in the eye. The monsters body fell to the floor, before turning in to black ash. Ranger got up and climbed down the cliff with his knifes, and ran to the other three staring at the ash.

Seth: "Well guys, we did it."

He turned around to face the other three.

Seth: "We're going to Beacon."

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Stay Toasty my little Fireballs
4ho3nix Out!!

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