Chapter 7: Understandings

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We see the boys continuing with their day, walking down the hallway. They still are talking about Rangers fight with the Grimm during Studies class.

Percy: "But still, you proved Weiss wrong and took that Grimm. No wonder why you were worried about that cage."

Ranger: "Yeah, I guess. But do you think I was I bit pushy with Yang? I did throw my hat at her, an' I called her 'darlin'."

Percy: "Aww, does someone have a crush on Blondie?"

Ranger turned red an bit and he hit Percy in the back of the head.

Ranger: "Wh-what?! No. I just thought I was to pushy, that's all. And besides, I thought you would've had a crush on her."

Percy had a playful shocked look on his face after hearing that.

Percy: "Are you accusing me of such nasty things?"

He then got into a more serious tone.

Percy: "But seriously, I only love her like a sister, Ruby too. So if you want to shoot your shot at Yang, I don't mind."

Ranger: "Percy, I don't have a crush on Yang, we hardly know each other. Why are you saying things like that?"

Seth and Kai were laughing at the conversation that the other two were having, but then they heard another argument up ahead.

Seth: "Shh."

Percy and Ranger both shut up as they looked at Seth, then they all heard the argument. They pinned it out, by the voices, to be both Ruby and Weiss. They peaked behind a corner that was behind the two girls. Seth looked at Kai and gave him a "what're they talking about?" look. Kai shrugged his shoulders and Seth looked back at the two girls.

Weiss: "You're supposed to be a leader and all you've been so far is a nuisance."

Ruby: "What did I do?"

Weiss: "That's just it, you've done nothing to earn your position. Back in the forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so."

Ruby: "Weiss, where is this coming from?"

Seth and Kai looked worried at this argument.

Kai(Whispering): "Should we intervene, boss?"

Weiss: "Not a team lead by you. I've studied, and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better. Ozpin made a mistake."

Ruby's eyes widened whenever she heard this. Weiss then stormed off the other way.
Seth and Kai looked at each other and had the same idea.

Seth(Whispering): "Percy, Ranger. You two head back to the room. Kai, you can deal with Weiss' tantrum. And I'll reassure Ruby."

They all nodded. Percy and Ranger went the other way back to their room. Kai walked off in the direction Weiss walked. Ruby saw Kai walking that way. She just sighed and turned around walking in the other direction. Seth was leaning on the wall with the corner behind her.

Seth: "That charade went over well."

Ruby the got startled, cause she didn't know Seth was there the whole time.

Ruby: "Gah! O-oh, Seth. Hehe, you heard that didn't you?"

Seth: "Well, I've heard enough."

Ruby: "Oh, well then. Is she right?"

Seth: "About what?"

Ruby: "Ozpin making a mistake."

Cut to Weiss standing on a balcony with some benches. She leaned on the railings looking at the rest of the school under the orange sky. Kai finally caught up to her. He saw her looking at the sky, he then sat on the bench still looking at her with out her noticing.

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