Chapter 3: Nighttime Initiation

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We see Seth, Percy, Ranger, and Kai standing on metal platforms near the edge of the cliff by the school. Ozpin and Goodwitch are on the other side of them as Ozpin gives the background on why he asked them to do this at night and their objective.

Ozpin: "There has been an increase of Grimm in the Emerald Forest, and not just your deadly Nevermores, Deathstalkers, and King Taijitu. Something worse roams the woods of this beautiful little green scenery. Your objective is to find, and eliminate this strong Grimm to keep the other candidates more safe for tomorrow's actual initiation. And, for every initiation, candidates must also find, a certain relic. Yours, will be this."

He holds out a chess piece in his hand, which was the White King piece.

Ozpin: There is a replica of this relic, just waiting for you four to nab. You must also find the relic, for more evidence of your completion. Any questions?"

The four looked at each other and back to Ozpin. And they all nodded at him.

Ozpin: "Good luck."

Goodwitch then presses some buttons on her tablet, which somehow activated the panels they were standing on. Seth got wind of this, whenever he heard gears move under him.

Seth: "What a minute. This is a- AHH!"

He was cut off by being launched in the air by the platform:

Seth(flying in the air): "ITS A LAUNCHERRRRR!!"

Percy: "Ok then."

Percy was then launched into the air. After him, Ranger was next, then finally Kai was launched into the air. Both headmasters looked at the boys in the air.

Goodwitch: "Oz, are you certain these boys have what it takes? I mean it's like you put them on a suicide mission, and not even spend one day at the actual school."

A/N: From now on I will be referring Ozpin to Oz out side of the story, but I'll have the characters say "Ozpin" when it feels necessary.

Oz: "I've seen miracles, but not enough of wonders. These boys might hold the key, to find infinite wonders in the world."

Seth, being close to landing into a tree had to think quick on his landing strategy. Something then clicked, and he put a hand of cards together. He then mashed them together like magnets. He does this with multiple cards until he has enough. He spots a tree close enough, and he chucks his hand of cards one by one, forming a make shift staircase on the tree. He landed on the first hand with his foot and hopped down repeating the process. He was at a height on the tree where he could jump and nothing would hurt him. And he jumped an landed.

Seth: "Ah. Would if hurt for them to give us warnings next time."

He then stretched out his body before wondering off in a random direction hoping to find the relic and his friends, but hopefully not the Grimm.

Back in the air, as Percy was gliding on his Soundwave pulsing gauntlets to hover himself of the ground and land on a boulder near a waterfall. He then turned to look at the water gleaming from the stars and the moonlight shining from it.

Percy: "Wow, that's a beautiful sight."

He was then cut off by a low rumble from close by. He got startled, and found the nearest tree away from the commotion to hid in one of the branches. He looks through the leaves to find a giant behemoth of a Grimm walking through the forest and stops in front of the waterfall and let out a low growl.

Percy: "Holy sh-"

Cut to Ranger in the air, holding onto his cowboy hat. He finds a tree that has less branches, turns his revolvers into twin knifes and stabbed them into the tree running down around the tree onto the ground. He pulls his knifes out of the tree and converts them back into his holster. He ran off to try and find one of his friends.

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