Chapter 11: SPRK Vs. CRDL

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We come to late at night in the dorm of team JNPR to find Nora, who is bouncing on her bed. Pyrha, who is looking out the window with a sad look on her face. And Ren, messing with his weapon to make sure it still works. But no sign of their team leader.

Nora: "How come Jaune gets home so late?"

Ren: "He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin. I even say Kai try to converse with him one day, but Jaune scattered away quickly for no reason."

Nora: "That's weird. Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest."

Pyrha then responded in a kind of aggressive way.

Pyrha: "I'm sure out leader knows exactly what he is doing."

Ren and Nora then looked at each other with concern.

Nora: "I guess so..."

Unknown to them, Jaune stood in front of the door cracked hearing the conversation. He then closed the door, guilty for what he has done.

Kai: "Hey Jaune."

Jane: "Gah!"

He was surprised to see Kai standing behind him. In a red tank top and black shorts, ready to go to bed.

Kai: "Long time buddy. Let me guess, locked yourself out again?"

Jaune: "Uh, nope. Got it."

Kai: "Good, good. So where have you been? Out being one of Cardins lackys now?"

Jaune: "No...well yes. But it's not like that, I swear."

Kai: "Ok, then what's up?"

He said as sat against the wall. He then patted the ground to let Jaune sit next to him. And Jaune complied sitting to his left.

Jaune: "I messed up."

Kai: "How exactly?"

Jaune: "I said something I shouldn't have and now Cardin's got me on a leash, and Pyrha won't even talk to me...I'm starting to think coming to this school is a bad idea."

He then hung his head low.

Jaune: "I'm a failure."

Kai: "Failure? Do you hear yourself dude. Because that's one thing your not. So to that I say 'nope'."

Jaune: "Nope?"

Kai: "Nope. Because you're a leader dude. You're not allowed be a failure."

Jaune: "But what if I'm a failure at being a leader? I mean, I'm not Seth. Who's basically the smartest leader and student in this school. And I'm not Ruby whose always optimistic about the worst of things."

Kai: "Once again...nope."

Jaune: "Hehe. Is that the only word of advice you have?"

Kai: "Nope, hehe. But seriously, you might have been a failure when you were little. And who wasn't? We were all failures when we were kids. And you might have been one the first day we met..."

Jaune then slouched with a defeated sigh.

Kai: "But there is no room the word failure now. You wanna know why?"

Jaune: "Uhh, because-"

Kai: "A. Because it's a just a word. Words shouldn't affect you bud. And B. It's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now. And trust me, after being with those three weirdos for most of my life, not one of us even wants to self-degrade ourselves like this. If you fail, you'd just be bringing your team down with you. You've got to put your teammates first, and yourselve second. Even me. And sometimes, you shouldn't try to be a leader like Seth. Because it's not you. You're a leader, for what we all see in you. And it's not a failure. I see greatness, and potential in you Jaune. And I want to help you bring it out."

SPRK Volume 1(RWBY OC Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon