"Jenduke, don't lie!"

"I'm not!" Jennie insisted. "They only started to get physical with me last week. I don't know what changed. I thought if I just brave it out, they'll get bored eventually and will leave me alone!" Jennie replied back frustratingly.

She is mostly angry at herself for letting herself get to this position. Being sick on her bed while Jisoo and Rosie look at her in concern.

"Don't worry, girls. I will handle it."

"No...Nini. I will handle it from here on." Lisa spoke firmly from the bedroom doorway.

Jennie's eyes widened in surprise after hearing Lisa's voice.

"Lili..." Jennie whispered softly. This time she could no longer hold her tears. She pouted as her tears now ran freely down her cheeks. Jennie put up her arms and Lisa, knowing what the older girls wanted, just rushed forward engulfing the older girl into her arms.

As soon as she felt Lisa's arms wrapped around her, Jennie let out a loud sobbing. She didn't know how long she sat there sobbing into Lisa's arms but the younger girl never complained and just continued rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Shh...shh... I'm here Nini. I'm here. No one will hurt you anymore. And I'm not going anywhere."

Hearing that Jennie leaned back. "Really?"

Lisa nodded as she wiped Jennie tears away. "I will be here. Jisoonie and Chaeyoung will join us as soon as they sort it out with our old school. We'll be here with you until you finish and we'll go back to New Zealand together. I've already talked to my parents and they have arranged for everything."

"Yeah, unnie! You don't have to worry. Now that we are here, we have your back!" Rosie piped up.

Jisoo shows her thumbs up as her mouth is busy devouring the food from Jennie's plate. Beside her, Rosie takes a sip of Jennie's orange juice.

"Yah! Guys! I prepared that for Jennie!"

"Whaaat...I'm hungry..plus we need to make sure it's edible, Lisayah." Jisoo replied back innocently.

"She's clearly not well. What if you accidentally poisoned her?"

"I definitely did not poison the fruit and juice, Chaeng!" Lisa huffed out.

Jennie smiled as she watched the three bickering as their normal self and knew that everything will be okay. She's really glad her members are with her now.

Three hours later Jisoo and Rosie left to settle down for the night while Lisa slid into Jennie's bed and pulled her close.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She rubbed Jennie's back softly.

"I don't know how to and I'm actually embarrassed to tell you guys. I'm Jennie Kim and I'm being bullied by some low standard students." Jennie finally confessed.

She felt Lisa's hands stop before it continued rubbing her back.

"But Nini..I can assure you will never have to feel embarrassed about anything. We can face anything as long as there are four of us. Next time whatever that bothers you, please tell me or the other members yeah? Promise me?"

Jennie looked up at Lisa's worried eyes and held out her pinky. "Okay... pinky promise."

Lisa let out a big smile before she linked her pinky with Jennie.

"Now rest, Nini. You are safe now. I'm here now." Jennie felt Lisa leave a small kiss onto her forehead before she fell into deep sleep.

Two weeks after getting the all clear from her doctor, Jennie walked into the school with her head held up high. She didn't want to let her bullies think that they beat her down. Plus, she felt more confident since she knew her members were there with her. Though they were not exactly beside her the moment she walked into school, she knew they were somewhere around. Not Lisa, of course. The girl, as usual, woke up late for school.

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