Chapter 21: REVOLUTION! (Part 1/2)

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Bowie, Monica, and even Viago rush over to their respective partners as of worried sick.

"Are they okay?" Bowie asks while rubbing his dulled down horns. They had been cut prior to entering the school due to the rules on powers, including his long bangs that once covered his eyes. A brand-new bruise of his hand was revealed to Ryker.

"Yeah, they're fine but what happened to you?" The eldest prince anxiously exclaims. "Did they do this? Monica?"

The small blonde nods her head, no longer her happy-go-lucky self. Her naturally long blonde hair was cut to a short bob after her disruptive protest, and the tattooed hearts on her cheeks had been removed.

"Those assholes were about to beat up a poor kid for sneaking snacks to the kids in the basement." Viago replies with an unhappy groan, hugging Shadow with one arm. He too had his long hair cut as most of the boys would've gotten. "This whole thing is absolutely-"

A robot was approaching.

"Charming! I really liked the porridge they gave to us for breakfast!" He says with a fake smile. "Nice and healthy for us. What about you guys?"

The rest of the group nodded their head yet Hayashi frowns at this.

"But I don't wike powidge." The small prince pouts, mispronouncing his "r's" for "w's".

Forest kneels down to quickly cover his mouth without the guard noticing. He smiles in a cheeky manner to distract them from the toddler's comment. The robot just glares in a suspecting way before turning its heel and marching the other way.

"Guys, you have to be careful with what you say here." Shadow remarks sadly. "People or robots aren't as nice as they used to be."

Dollop whimpers frightfully at this, trying his best not to cry. The others notice this and ask if he was alright. Dollop just nods his head, asking to be excused before walking to his dorm. Zania, worried about her big brother follows him all the way there without saying a word.

Dollop eventually makes it to his room, tip toes over to his bed, and sobs heavily into his pillow which drowned out his sniffles and cries. Zania, closing the door in the process, rushes to her brother without saying a word, hugging and telling him that everything will be better in the end.

"I don't wanna start a revolt. I'm not good at them." Dollop huffs sadly while hugging his pillow some more. "I can't and I won't."

"How do you know if you're not good if you haven't tried revolting before?" Zania asks him as she let's go, placing a comforting hand across his shoulders. "Why not just try?"

"But I've never broken a rule before! I'm supposed to be the well-behaved kid in this family." He admits in a panicky tone. "I can't start breaking rules now! It'll hurt my reputation. All our older siblings have one."

Zania stares at him in disbelief. "Really?"

"Yeah! Ryker's the cool big brother. Shadow is the pretty warrior sister. Forest is the artsy gay brother." Dollop explains as if normal. "Max is the rule breaking sibling. And I'm supposed to be the rule following one! I can't change who I am, Zania. It's how I make myself feel comfortable, you know that."

A statement which was true. Dollop, unlike his siblings, was from a different timeline where Tabitha, and Cole became evil tyrants due to the pressure, and stress put upon them when becoming the rulers of the Dimenscape. Dollop had been born into that family as pure as a lamb, not knowing a single bad thing happening. His true mother neglected him, and his father did the very same, both busy with their work and leaving Honey Lemon- Dollop's godmother- to look after and take him away.

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