S 2 Ch 2: Senate Spy

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It been a week since Sidious reveal himself to Union and now they work for him.

However at Coruscant the Jedi council is having a meeting involving a spy among the senate.

Windu: "Thus why we need you to convince Padme, Anakin" he said which Anakin look at the council with a slight glare as both himself and many other jedi are disappointed.

Anakin: "Even if I convinced her she would try to confront her friend on her own" he said.

Shaak Ti: "Thus why we need you to talk to her as she trust you more than us" she said which Anakin sigh.

It wasn't long until Padme agree and help spy on her old friend Senator Rush Clovis.

Cato Neimoidia.

It wasn't long until they arrive at the operating base of the Trade Federation.

However Padme and Anakin are surprised to see Emperor Vader talking to Lott Dod.

Clovis: "Emperor Vader! Just the sith I wanted to talk to!" He said which Y/N sigh while Padme is surprised to see how comfortable Clovis is around the sith emperor.

Emperor Vader: "You do realize that you have to explain why you know me to her" he said which Clovis sigh.

Clovis: "I'm indebt to Emperor Vader when I was a child so I'm helping repay for that debt" he said surprising Padme and Anakin.

Emperor Vader: "Now why would a jedi be with senator of Naboo" he said surprising everyone thus Anakin pull out his lightsaber then aim it at him.

Anakin: "What exactly are you planning sith emperor!" He said.

Emperor Vader: "Oh I got big plans and you're no longer welcome here" he said then snap his fingers.

Out of nowhere three giant robots appear which shock Clovis, Padme and Anakin as these robots aim their blasters at Anakin.

Anakin: "I'll leave" he said knowing that he ain't welcome and walk back into the ship.

Clovis: "You were a spy?" He said looking at Padme who sigh but Emperor Vader just chuckle.

Emperor Vader: "She only a spy because you were working for me so you can't blame her" he said which Clovis sigh and agree with his logic then both men leave with Padme following behind.


It took hours but Padme got the plans and gave it to the jedi however upon translation they are surprised to learn that Poggle the Lesser is planning on creating new weapons to overwhelm the clone on Geonosis.

So The Jedi plan to retake Geonosis.

CIS Empire!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon