Ch 10: Experiments!

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It been several days since the Xenomorphs is introduced by the sith and now at the only world where these creatures are found.

Inside the space station orbiting the world is Emperor Vader and Dr. Paul Church.

Y/N: "Any progress on the xenomorphs Doc?" He said.

Dr. Church: "So far the entire world is a massive hive and the queen is mass producing the eggs which will latch onto the clones of criminals that roam the world" he said.

Y/N: "Excellent and it a good thing we keep the criminals on board before launching them onto the planet" he said.

Dr. Church: "And thanks to our droids we can keep a eye on the xenomorphs and only kill when it overpopulation" he said which Y/N smirk behind his mask.

Y/N: "Good and the republic have no idea about this world either otherwise they'll try to destroy everything this hive had created without any sort of interference" he said.

Dr. Church: "Btw what about the pirate we capture? Turk Falso? Should we torture him before pur Kamino allies clone him?" He said which Y/N chuckle.

Y/N: "He is already being tortured as we speak and thankfully we don't need to clone him yet" he said which Dr. Church nod and get back to work.


It took some days but someone successfully killed a xenomorph and gave it to earth however even the scientists of earth have no idea how the xenomorphs function.

Thus Union is having a meeting to discuss about the xenomorphs.

Ozpin: "Any progress on that dead xenomorph?" He said looking at James.

James: "All attempts fail especially since the dead subject is full of acid" he said surprising everyone at this information.

Tsunade: "How is that possible?" She said which James shrugged.

James: "All we can discovered is that the skin is made out of harden materials that can resist acid. However we do know that fire is effective against the skin but only in close range" he said.

Ironman: "So all we know is that they are weak against fire and is difficult to kill" he said.

James: "yes however we did discovered that the xenomorphs are endoparasitoid extraterrestrial" he said showing everyone a jar containing the xenomorph brain.

Wonder woman: "Dear Hera. If the sith unleash these creatures into the galaxy then none are safe" she said horrified.

Batman: "However we do know that the sith have a world far beyond the republic otherwise we would know about them. So for now we leave these xenomorphs alone as we don't want Earth to be a target" he said which everyone agree with his logic.

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