Season 1 Finale!

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Raxus Secundus.

It been two weeks since the Battle of Ryloth with the Republic winning.

Currently Emperor Vader is sitting on his throne which is pulsing with energy.

Suddenly the door to the throne room open and walking inside is Cad Bane the second number bounty hunter in the galaxy

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Suddenly the door to the throne room open and walking inside is Cad Bane the second number bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Bane: "So what this deal you wanted to offer me Emperor Vader" he said.

Emperor Vader: "100,000 gold credit in exchange for helping me" he said shocking Bane at the amount.

Bane: "What kind of mission would require so much credit!" He said.

Emperor Vader: "Getting the entire Senate hostage" he said which Bane is godsmack.

Bane: "You're either the suicidal emperor or the insane emperor ever to exist. I'm in so long as I get pay" he said which Emperor Vader just chuckle.


Currently the Senate is having a meet about the new bill when suddenly all the doors blast open and hundred of sith begin to exit the doors.

Completely caught off guard and surprised everyone surrender to the sith but what happened next completely scared all of them.

Entering the room is ten xenomorphs with several bounty hunters surrounding Emperor Vader.

Palpatine: "Emperor Vader! What a surprise to see you come here" he said sweating a bit.

Emperor Vader: "Yes well it come to my attention that the galaxy have never ask who I am truly behind this mask" he said then snap his fingers causing a droid to begin recording him which is broadcasting throughout the entire galaxy.

Padme: "We know you sith hide scars and injuries behind your armor!" She said which many agree.

Emperor Vader: "True. But let me ask you all this: Who was I before I become Emperor Vader and a sith" he said catching everyone attention.

Ozpin: "Why exactly are you asking about it?" He said which Emperor Vader chuckle.

Emperor Vader: "I see Union is still the dumb corrupt heroes they are when they first formed" he said surprising everyone.

Padme: "Corrupt?" She said then glare at Ozpin who sweat a bit.

Emperor Vader: "Ah I suppose you all don't know? Well Union isn't what they say they are. True they are heroes, devils, angels, fallen angels, huntsmen, huntresses, Shinobis, etc. But what you don't know is that they are hiding a dark secret that even the jedi are aware of but can't do sh_t since Earth join the republic once they learn about it existence five hundred years ago" he said.

Ozpin: "What! How do you know that!" He said completely godsmack since Earth information was a secret to the rest of the Galaxy.

Palpatine: "How do you know about that?" He said completely surprise at this new information.

Emperor Vader: "Oh it quite simple Chancellor. I was there when the republic arrived at earth" he said shocking everyone.

Padme: "How!" She said completely godsmack at this.

Emperor Vader: "Oh that a sith secret. But let me properly introduce myself" he said removing his mask which completely shock everyone at how young he look.

Y/N: "I am Y/N L/N of Earth once a publican but was murdered by both Union and Jedi for they fear me because I was a normal publican that would change everything" he said.

Ozpin: "Impossible! You are lying!" He said completely horrified at this information leaking.

Y/N: "I am a emperor who don't lie" he said putting back his mask but as soon as he did the entire Senate building shake.

Palpatine: "What did you do" he said.

Y/N: "Oh my sith soldiers just free some criminals you kept lock up and now they are free" he said then both himself and his forces leave.

Jedi temple.

The entire jedi council are completely godsmack at the broadcast.

Obi-wan: "Is this true?" He said looking at the rest of the council who look completely speechless.

Yoda: "Council of old we are not but now records we must search" he said.

Windu: "If this is truth then the jedi is responsible for the rise of the sith empire.


The civilians are glaring at Union heroes for they are responsible for this mess while Union themselves are completely speechless at what happened.

Watch Tower.

Wonder Woman: "Dear Hera" she said completely horrified at this information.


James: "We need to search for this information now!" He said.

A few hours later.

Raxus Secundus.

Upon returning to the capital Y/N see many of his civilians kneel before him with new found respect which he smirk as he walk into his throne room.

Once he sit down he look at the reader screen with darkness beginning to appear around him.

Y/N: "This is the beginning of the end for Union and Jedi" he said smiling sinisterly behind his mask.

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