S 2 Ch 6: Zillo!

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It been two weeks since the reveal of Bhay rebellion thus causing a split between the Neutral Systems.

However the CIS new strategy is causing a long and fiercest battle on the planet Malastare.

Thus forcing the Republic to make a dangerous move against the CIS.

Currently Emperor Vader, who is on a battleship command center, is watching the battle with the Republic on the verge of losing Malastare.

Entering the command center is Admiral Lucy aka the tenth smartest woman in the CIS.

Entering the command center is Admiral Lucy aka the tenth smartest woman in the CIS

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Mollo: "My lord. It appears we are gonna win this war" she said only to wince when she felt Vader force presence onto her head.

Emperor Vader: "The Republic is not fools as they realize that this battle is lost so they will sent out the big one" he said confusing Lucy until a massive explosion caught their attention.

Suddenly a holographic projection of a sith appear and he is injured.

Sith: "My lord! The Republic had unleash a electro- proton bomb onto us! We need immediately help!" The sith said only to scream when something attack him.

Mollo: "My lord! What just happened!" She said completely surprise at how quick a sith die.

Emperor Vader: "Trouble" he said frowning behind his mask.

It wasn't long until both sith and the jedi arrived at the crater where they face each other.

Anakin: "Why exactly are you doing here" he said only to jump backwards when a xenomorph hiss at him.

Emperor Vader: "I am here to see what you fools unleash" he said confusing everyone until a roar caught their attention which reveal a massive beast exiting the crater.

Windu: "What kind of beast is that!" He said completely surprise while the clones attack the beast only for their weapons to be useless.

Emperor Vader: "So it is true. A Zillo Beast still alive" he said which Doge Urus is shock.

Urus: "We must kill that monster!" He said only to scream when Vader electrified him.

Emperor Vader: "You think this beast is mindless? Fool this beast is the last of it kind because of your kind killing them" he said.

Anakin: "You only interest in getting the skin!" He said which Vader just laugh.

Emperor Vader: "Fool. I might be a monster but at least I'm not heartless to see logic of saving a extinct species" he said then use the force to communicate with the beast.

Which work as the Zillo beast stop attacking and bow to Emperor Vader.

Windu: "It took him mere minutes to make a beast that size to bend to his will" he said only for Emperor Vader to laugh.

Emperor Vader: "Fool. I didn't just make this beast my pet but my animal companion which you jedi seem to forget" he said then jump onto the Zillo head.

Anakin: "Where do you think you're going!" He said aiming his lightsaber at Emperor Vader.

Emperor Vader: "Towards the only planet that I house extinct species like Zillo" he said then the Zillo beast got out of the crater and leave.

Urus: "Grr the Malastare will sign the treaty if you promise the death of Zillo" he said.

Windu: "We can't promise that" he said only for a holographic projection appear which show Ozpin and Palpatine.

Palpatine: "The Jedi might not like this but the Republic need the Zillo scales so Union will kill the beast in secret" he said.

Anakin: "But sir the creature will be transported to a unknown world" he said.

Ozpin: "Thus why we strike when they transporting the beast. After all it just a mindless killer" he said then the holographic projections vanish.

On Coruscant.

Currently Palpatine is talking to a scientist called Dr. Boll.

Palpatine: "Once Union kill the beast you will create a clone of it" he said which the scientist nod afraid of losing her job.

A few hours later.

Back on Malastare.

Currently Emperor Vader, who is on board his ship, is talking to Dooku about the Zillo beast.

Dooku: "Mm that beast might be difficult to handle should it attack the other beasts we have" he said which Emperor Vader chuckle.

Emperor Vader: "Thankfully those Jedi are fools thinking that it was the last of it kind" he said then reveal a massive crate which have six eggs.

Dooku: "It was a parent?" He said surprised to learn about this new information.

Emperor Vader: "Yup. Now it will raise it children on a new world" he said only to widen his eyes.

Immediately he create a force barrier around the crate as the ship shake.

Dooku: "What happened" He said completely alarm.

Emperor Vader: "Union!" He said as he hide the eggs then rush towards the Zillo cage where he see several troopers dead while several Atlas soldiers and Devils are pumping gas into the cage.

Random Devil: "This was easy" he said only to be slice up by Emperor Vader forcing the soldiers and devils to stop.

Then they attack him only to die when he unleash force lightning onto all of them.

Once dead he attempts to unplug the gas but stop when he sense the beast die.

Emperor Vader: "... Union! You will pay for this!" He said unleashing his rage onto the dead.

However what he didn't know is that escaping the ship is Dr Boll who is dragging a crate full of blood and scales.

Dr Boll: "This is dark times" she said exiting the ship with the samples and returning to Coruscant.

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