36. Hollywood Babylon

Start from the beginning

Tara continued. "Brody, come back! You son of a bitch!"

Again, she tried screaming. Suddenly, she heard a groaning sound on the set nearby.

"Hello? Guys? Come on, it's not funny." She got no answer. "Okay, ha ha, very funny." Again, she heard some sound, like panting. "Hello? Who's there?"

She kept walking among the forest scenery, until she saw a baseball cap fall in front of her. She looked up to the scaffolding and briefly saw a male ghost, before it flickered. Then, she noticed that Frank was dead, lying on his stomach while blood covered his face. She let out a long, bloodcurdling scream.

On the other side of the set, McG and the production crew heard Tara's scream.

McG, loudly, in approval, said, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"


Sam, Dean and Laurey, with Jonathan on her lap, sat in a trolley as they toured the studio, passing movie and television sets.

The tour guide said, "First opened in 1927, the lot has been in continuous operation for eight decades."

Dean turned to a kid next to him who was eating ice cream. "Hey, you know this is where they filmed Creepshow?"

The kid ignored him.

They listened to the tour guide. "Now, to the right, here is Stars Hollow. It's the setting for the television series, Gilmore Girls. And if we're lucky, we might even catch one of the show's stars."

Sam glanced at his brother and friend with discomfort, and said, "Come on."

"Let's finish the tour!" Dean cried.

Sam hopped off the trolley. "Dean! Laurey!"

Dean and Laurey hopped off the trolley and the three of them, the mother holding her son, walked around the lot.

Jonathan waved. "Bye-bye."

Dean's eyes widened. "Sammy, Laurey, check it out! It's Matt Damon!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not Matt Damon," Sam said.

"No, it is."

Sam frowned. "Well, Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping."

"Yeah, well, he's probably researching a role or something."

Sam rolled his eyes. "I don't think so." He noticed a sign. "Hey, this way. I think Stage 9 is over here."

Dean shook his head. "Come on, man, let's keep going this way."

"No, come on," Laurey argued. "We've gotta work." Dean sighed. "Hey, you wanted to come to LA."

"Yeah, for a vacation. I mean, swimming pools and movie stars. Not to work."

"This seem like swimming pool weather to you, Dean?" Sam shot back. "I mean, it's practically Canadian."

Dean nodded. "Yeah. I just figured that after everything that happened with Madison, you could use a little R-and-R. That's all."

Sam pursed his lips. "Well, maybe I wanna work, Dean. Maybe it keeps my mind off things."

"Okay, fine. So, this crew guy -- he died on set?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. Rumors spread like wildfire online saying the set's haunted."

"Like Poltergeist?" Dean asked.

"It could be a poltergeist."

Laurey shook her head. "No, no. He means, like, the movie Poltergeist." Dean glanced at her. "What? I know horror movies. Dean. You and I literally watched them when we were younger. Did you forget?"

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