Rhaelys Targaryen (1 year old.)

Aemond hugged both his sons, he picked them up and now he had no idea how to let go of them. He hated leaving his family behind, which was different from just a few years ago when all he wanted was the glory of battle. He had spent as much time as he could with his wife and children for the past four days. He and Deirys had tried to explain to little Daemon and little Aegon that he was leaving, but the children were too young to completely understand what was happening, his daughter did not even realize what was happening. Both children kissed his cheek and then ran to their grandsire and uncles when Aemond put them down.

"Kepa." Rhaelys was holding out her little arms.

"There is my beautiful girl." Aemond took her from Deirys's arm and kissed the side of her head. "I am going to miss you, sweetheart."

Rhaelys wrapped her small arms around his neck and he kissed her chubby cheeks several times. She would giggle every time he kissed her and he swore his heart melted. She was so tiny and Aemond was hoping this war would only last a few weeks so he did not have to miss her growing up. He did not want to miss any of his children's milestones. He wanted to be present for everything. After a few minutes, Rhaegon walked over to him and gave him a questioning look, to which Aemond nodded before handing Rhaelys over to him. Rhaegon walked away toward his father and brother. Aemond turned back to his wife, moving closer to her.

"I will miss you." He could see tears fill her eyes and hugged her. She became very emotional while she was with child. "Please, I am asking you to take care of yourself. I do not want you to try and do too much."

"When do I ever do too much?" She gave a watery laugh, making him smile. "Do not worry about me, I will be fine."

"I worry about you."

"You worry about me?" She raised an eyebrow. "Correct me if I am wrong, but you are the one going to war. I will stay behind in a comfortable castle. I believe I get the better deal out of this."

"Yes, but you are staying behind with three small children." He kissed her mouth, then her cheek. "You are also with child and helping your mother with the running of the kingdom, while my father is ill."

"Please, do not worry." Deirys caressed his face. "Write to me often and please let me know if there are any issues."

"I will. I am hoping we will finish this war soon, but I also want to know if there are any issues with you." Aemond kissed her belly. "If the war takes longer than we expect, please send news as soon as you have our child."

"I will."

They stood there for a few minutes before Aemond finally pulled away and walked toward Daemon, Rhaegon, and Baelon. Little Daemon and little Aegon were running around the adults, while Daemon was holding Rhaelys and speaking to her like she understood what he was saying. They had already said goodbye to the rest of the family, but the children had wanted to stay longer and Aemond wanted as much time with them as he could get. Rhaenyra had taken a sullen-looking Aemma away, the girl was upset she was being left behind. She insisted on going to war with them. She kept saying her dragon needed to experience war. Rhaenyra had finally had enough of her whining and had taken her away.

Aemond let out a sigh when it was finally time to leave. He could not delay it any longer. He kissed his children again before kissing his wife. It took him a few seconds to let go of her. He did not want to. The kingsguard helped keep the children in place while Deirys held Rhaelys in her arms. Once Aemond climbed on Vhegar, he waved goodbye to his family before ordering his dragon to fly. He was going to make the faith regret ever conspiring against his family. He was going to make them regret keeping him away from his family.

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