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So-Hi's POV:

I look back down but Felix takes his index finger and lifts my head up by my chin. "You can always try talking to him, you know? I'm sure he'll understand." "Yeah, I know, but I don't want to make things awkward as it already is. Besides, he looks really happy with her. As long as he's happy, I'm happy." I reply as I give Felix a little smile. Felix then reaches his arms out signalling me to hug him. I step closer to him with my arms out and I wrap them around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. Whispering to his ear I say, "Thank you, Felix." A few seconds later, we pull out of the hug and sit back down on the couch and talk to everyone.

The whole night, I kept on noticing Hyunjin looking at me. To be honest, that Chaerin chick is super annoying. All she could talk about is her designer bags and jewelry. I think she wants everyone to know she's rich. She also noticed Hyunjin looking at me so much that she started flirting with him and doing all that cringy couple stuff you would see on the internet. Like this girl needs to get a grip.

When the party was over, we all said our goodbyes and Chaerin was the first one to leave.

While me and my group were walking back to our dorm, I got a text.

{ Hyun.e: Hey.
I noticed that you were ignoring me.
Did I do anything wrong?
Are you jealous?
I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
Please talk to me, So-Hi.
I wanna hear your voice.
I miss you. }

Reading those last words made a tear fall down my cheek. Oh, Hyunjin you're so confusing. I hate the way he still talks to me like that even though he's in a relationship. I hate the way he still wants to hear my voice. I hate the way I can't stop thinking about him. I hate the way I have to distance myself from him because I don't want to ruin his relationship. I hate the way we can't be with each other.

{ kSo.Hi: Hyunjin, don't say that.
Hyun.e: Say what?
kSo.Hi: Say that you miss me.
Hyun.e: Please, So-Hi can we just talk?
I hate it when you ignore me. I just
want to be with you.
kSo.Hi: Why? You have a girlfriend and it
seems like she hates me.
Hyun.e: Just shut up and meet me at the
garden near your place right
now. }

Hyunjin just can't seem to let go. I can't say no to him so I walk to the garden while the girls walk back home. I sit on the bench in the middle of the garden and wait for Hyunjin while looking at the sky. A few minutes later, I hear loud footsteps running towards me. I look to my left and I see Hyunjin running to me. As he's close to me, he breathes heavily. "I broke up with Chaerin." Hyunjin blurts out unexpectedly. I stand up, "What? Why? You two looked happy." "Yeah, but you didn't." Hyunjin looks at me in my eyes. I look down, "I thought we had something, Hyunjin. I thought you liked me. Turns out you didn't. But why do you keep acting like you do?"

"So-Hi, I do. I like you. I like you so much that you're always in my mind 24/7. The truth is, I only dated Chaerin because I wanted someone to like me like you did and be in a relationship with me. Soon enough, I realized that no one makes me happy the way you do. No one makes me smile the way you do. No one makes me laugh the way you do. I've liked you since the day I laid my eyes on you. So-Hi, you're special to me. I've never felt so much dopamine in my body until I met you. Please, give me a chance."

I stare at him with watery eyes. "I like you too. Can we be happy together like we did be-"

All of a sudden, Hyunjin cups my face and pulls it closer to his. He lays his lips on mine and kisses me. Feeling shocked, I kiss him back.

Hyunjin pulls away, "Will you be my girlfriend. So-Hi?" "Yes, yes, yes!" I happily say, throwing my arms around him and kissing him once again.

Hyunjin walks me home and we hold hands while walking. I've never felt happier being with a guy. A guy like Hyunjin. Once we reach my front doorstep, Hyunjin kisses me and says goodbye before walking away.

Finally, we're together. I wish for many memories to fill our time together and for happiness to fill our hearts.

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