chapter 13

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So-Hi's POV:

Today is me and my group's recording day for our latest song, Guardian. I get up from my bed to see my roommate, Kazuha still sleeping. I try to get up quietly and tip-toe to the bathroom. Once I get there, I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I get some grey sweatpants and a Skims black crop top and put my hair up in a claw lip.

I then put on my Panda Dunks and leave the dorm quietly since it was still around 6:00, and the members wake up at 7:00 for recording because it starts at 8:00. I wanted to get there early because I want to get some coffee and a nice breakfast there before the recording.

I close the door behind me and lock it before leaving. On my way out of the dorms, I put on my Airpod Max's and put on, "Close Desires" by Teo Glacier.

The walk to the building was super calming, especially because I was listening to music.

As I got into the building, I walked into the little café near the entrance and took off my headphones before lining up. There was a lot of people here this early. I ordered a small french vanilla and an avocado toast. Once I got my order, I looked around and sat down somewhere near the window. I slowly opened my avocado toast from it's plastic container and started eating. I don't usually like avocados but I have to eat healthy because of my "idol diet." I watched some TikTok's while eating.

Somewhere halfway into finishing my toast, a male figure sits down on the chair in front of me and puts his elbows on the table while resting his head on his hands.

"Good morning." Hyunjin says to me while putting a little smile on his face and slowly admiring mine. "What're you doing here so early?" I ask, shocked. "I could ask you the same thing." Hyunjin chuckles. I reply while sipping my french vanilla, "I'm only here early because recording starts in a few hours. You?" Hyunjin says, "I just woke up early so I decided to come here."

"Hoi, you do realize we're in public, right? We can get into big trouble." I say, worried. "Sorry. I'll go." He says while standing up to leave. Hyunjin left and found a seat somewhere else. I was expecting him to argue with me and say that he couldn't care less, but he didn't. To be honest, I want him to stay.

I continued to sit in the café for another hour and once the time was 7:50, I threw away my trash and left. Before I left, I spotted Hyunjin looking at me so I gave him a little smile and went off.

"Yo, So-Hi, how come you're here so early?" Yunjin asks. "Oh, I wanted to get breakfast at the café downstairs early." I replied. Yunjin nodded and we started recording for our song.

When it was my turn to start singing, Hyunjin walked into the room and sat down on the couch behind the producers. Felix and Lee know followed along. While I was singing, I heard Felix say to them that my vocals were really nice. I thanked him after I got out of the recording box.

When we were done recording, Felix, Hyunjin, and Lee Know invited me to go to an arcade for fun tomorrow. I happily agreed and Hyunjin offered to walk me back to my dorm.

While Hyunjin and I were walking, he put his arm around my neck and looked down at me. I couldn't help but blush while making eye contact with him. I think he realized because he started giggling. But he never broke the eye contact.

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