chapter 7

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So-Hi's POV:

Hyunjin and I spent about an hour sitting in silence at the beach. Eventually, everyone was already getting ready to go to bed. "Hyunjin, we should head back inside. It's getting a little cold." I broke the silence, looking at him. "Yeah, of course." He replied with a gentle smile and we both got up and walked in together. "That was really nice. We should do it again sometime." Hyunjin told me after we got back inside by the door. He then gave me another little smile and went upstairs.

I've started to get a lot more used to Hyunjin because he's always somewhat near me. His presence is so comforting, in a way that I actually like him around. We've only known each other for a few days and we've already warmed up to each other.

The next morning...

I wake up to a noise coming from the room next to mine. Me and Yunjin get up to see what it was. We open the door to see Eunchae, Sakura, and Kazuha having a pillow fight. Right as we open the door, a pillow comes flying to my face. "What the hell's going on here!" Lee know steps behind me, snickering. I shrug my shoulders and do my morning routine before going downstairs.

"So-Hi, So-Hi, So-Hi!!!" Hyunjin runs up to me while grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him. He wanted me to sit with him on the couch because he was feeling lonely. I laughed a little because I didn't think he was pulling me along with him for that. He then asks me, "So, what was all that noise coming from upstairs?" "Oh, it was just the girls having a pillow fight." We both giggle.

Soon, everyone gathered and ate breakfast together. Today is our last day here, so the staff planned out an exciting trip for us this time.

We all got changed and ready to go to our last trip. While heading over to the bus, Hyunjin was again the last one to arrive. Eunchae was already sitting beside me and Hyunjin saw her. He paused for awhile and the only other option he had was to sit in the back by himself. Everybody else had seating partners to be with but him. I felt so bad, but the bus was already starting and I couldn't just leave Chae and let her sit alone too. I just sit there in silence until we reached our destination.

We then arrived at Everland. Most of us were thrilled because not many of us have gone here yet. It was a bit far from our beach house, but it was definitely worth it. Everybody was getting off the bus, and as I got off, I decided to wait for Hyunjin before taking off. When he got off and saw me waiting for him, his face immediately lit up. We caught up with the rest of the group and walked alongside them. The first thing everyone wanted to do was to go on the wooden coaster, located somewhere at the back of the park. We ran there, making our staff have to chase after us. It was kind of funny because their cameras were shaking so much, they couldn't get proper footage.

Out of the blue, I looked around to see if Hyunjin was still with me, but he wasn't. I immediately stopped everyone to look for him.

After walking around for a few minutes, I saw him standing in the exact spot he disappeared. I ran up to him and gave him  a big hug. His face turned shock and his arms were sticking out, not knowing what to do with them. I let go of him. "What happened?! I thought I almost lost you." I asked, confused and worried. "A bunch of people got in front of me and I lost sight of you guys, so I waited here." He giggles, unserious. He knew well that he could've just called me. I grabbed his hand and interlocked it with mine. "Don't let go." I tell him. We then run back to everyone and make our way to T Express.

While waiting in the line, Hyunjin started being dramatic and wanted to sit down. Lee know and Han were teasing him, but he was serious. He then asked if he could sit on my feet because he thought the ground was way too dirty. Not being able to say no, I gave in and let him sit down on my feet. I saw him slowly falling asleep so I sat down with him, letting him use myself as a headrest.

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