chapter 15

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So-Hi's POV:

A few hours later, I woke up all sweaty and hot. I absolutely hate the feeling of waking up from a nap when you're sick and feeling sweaty and confused. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and opened it to see the time. I slept for nearly six hours. The time was now 9:17 PM and it was progressively starting to get dark. I slowly removed my blanket off of me and got out of my bed while grabbing my glasses and putting them on my face. With my eyes still a little blurry, I open my door and once I get out of it, my members are still not home. They probably got held back a few hours to practice, or they're getting dinner together. Suddenly, I get a ring from my phone.

{ jenaissante:
So-Hi, are you feeling better?
so sorry we left you alone.
We went out to get dinner.       We'll bring you some food!
Wait for us😋 Love youuuuu
Thanks Yunjin<3 Love u more! }

I turn on the lights to my living room and walk over to my kitchen to get some water. As I finished getting my water, I go over to the living room to watch something.

My face is shocked. On the couch, I see Hyunjin laying down and sleeping. I say out loud, "What in the world is he still doing here?!" I go closer to him to see if he was still sleeping. His face was towards the back of the couch, so I had to really lean forward to see his face. As I get a glance of his face, Hyunjin suddenly turns around and throws his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. "Yah! You scared me, you fool." I muffle, my face on his chest. "You feeling better?" Hyunjin lets go. I nod.

"What're you still doing here? I told you that you could leave. There's no point in staying." I stand in front of him with my hands on my hips. "I just wanted to keep you company. I'm not going to leave you here." Hyunjin smiles. I smile back at him with his words stuck in my brain. "Yunjin and the other girls are going to bring back food from the dinner they just had. Want to eat with us?" I offered to him. "Yeah of course. As long as it doesn't bother anyone!" Hyunjin giggles, his eyes turning into little crescents.

"So-Hiiiiii!!" Yunjin sings while walking into the house and taking her shoes off. Everyone else follows. As they're done taking their shoes off, they look up and see me with Hyunjin. "Oh hey, Hyunjin. What're you doing here?" Sakura asks. "I was just here for the day to keep So-Hi some company." Hyunjin replies. "Great. You two can eat dinner then. Here's the food we got you guys!" Kazuha smiles at me, putting down the food on the dinner table.

Hyunjin and I take a seat and take the food out of the plastic bag while the girls settle in and get ready for bed. I take the bibimbap and Hyunjin takes the bulgogi with rice.

While we were eating, Hyunjin grabbed a piece of his bulgogi and brought it up to my mouth. I stared at him and he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head. I took a bite of the bulgogi and told him that it tastes really good. He agreed. We continued eating and Hyunjin continued feeding me his bulgogi from time to time.

Once we finished eating, it was too late and dark outside for Hyunjin to go out and walk to his dorm, so we offered him to stay the night. Hyunjin insisted that he sleeps on the couch, so that's where he's staying the night.

It was time for everyone to sleep and all the lights were off. Hyunjin was on the couch and everyone was in their rooms ready to sleep. I turn off my nightlight and I go on my phone for awhile before I fall asleep.

At what feels like about 3-4 AM, I hear creaking coming from the living room. I immediately jump up from my bed and sit there with my phone flashlight. A few seconds later, my door slowly creaks open and before I can look up to see who it is, I grab a pencil that was on my nightstand and use it as a weapon. The person standing at my doorframe then walks into my room, and it turns out to be Hyunjin. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I found out it was him. It's like I had been holding in my breath this whole time.

Hyunjin stands in my room with his head down while rubbing his eyes to try and see better. I put my pencil back down on my nightstand and turn on my nightlight while turning off the flashlight coming from my phone. "What're you doing up? You startled me." I say, trying to make eye contact. Hyunjin looks up at me, "Sorry, it got a little cold out there. Can I stay here for the night? Only if you're comfortable." "Yeah, of course." I reply in approval. Hyunjin slowly walks to the other side of my bed and sits on it, trying to make himself comfortable. He takes the blanket and puts it over him while lying down. I turn off my nightlight and we both sleep side by side, from a distance.

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