The end!

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"Oh y/n! Your (dress/suit) is beautiful!" My father said to me. I was just about to walk down the isle to marry the love of my life.

"Thanks dad. I chose it myself." I chuckled.

"Are you ready? We can still go. You have time." He spoke quietly.

"No dad. This is what I want."

"Ok. Your all grown up. I'm so proud of you y/n. I may not have been the most affectionate, but I am super proud of you."

"Stop I'm going to cry and ruin my makeup." I sniffled.

"Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

Then we walked to the altar. Wilbur and I decided to get married at some castle ruins during sunset. Everything was perfect and I was ready to become Mrs. Soot.

As we reached the altar, my father flipped my vail over my head and kissed my forehead. I smiled to him then he went to take a seat next to my mother.

Skipping to the vows

"I believe you both have written your own vows?" The officiant asked. "Why don't you start Wilbur."

"Y/n. I met you at TwitchCon. Probably the best three weeks of my entire life.  Today, in the presence of our loved ones, I stand before you, y/n, with a heart overflowing with love and devotion. From the moment our paths intertwined, my life has been forever transformed. You are the light that illuminates my days and the warmth that fills my soul.

In your eyes, I find a reflection of my truest self—a partner who understands me, accepts me, and loves me unconditionally. With every laugh we share and every tear we wipe away, our connection grows stronger, solidifying the bond we cherish.

As we embark on this sacred journey together, I promise to honor and support you, to be your rock in times of uncertainty, and your shelter in the midst of life's storms. I vow to celebrate your victories and share in your dreams, standing by your side as we build a future filled with joy, adventure, and endless possibilities.

I promise to nurture our love, to cherish the moments we create, and to prioritize our connection above all else. With open arms and an open heart, I will embrace your uniqueness, appreciating the beautiful tapestry that is our love story.

Today, I pledge my unwavering love to you, y/n. I promise to be your confidant, your best friend, and your greatest advocate. With each passing day, my love for you will grow deeper and more profound, as we navigate the journey of life together, hand in hand.

I am eternally grateful to have found you, my soulmate, and I vow to spend the rest of my days devoted to our shared happiness. Today and forevermore, I am yours, and you are mine." Wilbur finished. I started to cry. Wilbur grabbed his handkerchief and handed it to me so I could dab my tears away.

"And now you y/n." The officiant spoke.

"We really did meet in the weirdest way didn't we." I chuckled. "Today, in this sacred moment, I stand before you, Wilbur, with immense gratitude and overflowing love. From the instant our paths crossed, my heart recognized its perfect counterpart in you—a soul destined to intertwine with mine in a remarkable journey called love.

In your presence, I have discovered a love that transcends time and surpasses every expectation. You are my strength when I falter, my guiding light in the darkest hours, and the source of endless inspiration that fuels my dreams. With you, I have found a love that is both profound and enduring.

Today, as I join my life with yours, I promise to cherish and nurture the incredible bond we share. I vow to be your confidante, your partner in all things, and your unwavering support through every triumph and challenge. With an open heart, I promise to create a safe haven where you can always find solace, love, and understanding.

I promise to embrace our differences, celebrating the unique qualities that make you the extraordinary man I fell in love with. Together, we will build a life full of adventure, laughter, and shared dreams, creating memories that will be etched in our hearts forever.

Through the twists and turns of life, I pledge to stand by your side as your equal, your ally, and your best friend. I promise to keep the flame of passion alive, to honor the depth of our connection, and to prioritize our love above all else.

With every beat of my heart, I offer you my unconditional love. Today and for all the days to come, I choose you as my partner, my soulmate, and the love of my life. In your arms, I have found my home, and with you, I have discovered a love that knows no bounds.

Together, we will paint a masterpiece of love, supporting and uplifting one another, as we create a legacy that will endure for eternity. With all that I am and all that I have, I give you my hand, my heart, and my forever."

"By the power invested in me and the country of England I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss your partner!" The officiant, exclaimed.

Wilbur and my lips collided and there was an uproar of applause and cheering. We both ran down the isle to get to the place to sign all the paperwork.

"We are married." I mumbled. Wilbur looked at me.

"Yes we are Mrs. Soot." We both giggled like school girls.


2 years later


"PUSH!" The nurse exclaimed.

"I am!" I screamed. I was clutching Will's hand. I heard a loud scream.

"It's a boy!" Someone yelled. I took a deep breath.

"The second one is coming. Come on y/n your doing such a great job. Your almost done. I need you to push again."

I screamed again as I pushed. I heard another loud scream as I felt the pressure in my lower area ease up.

"It's a girl! A beautiful healthy baby boy and girl. Do you have names picked out?"

"Yes." I mumbled out. "Alexander For the boy and Aurora for the girl." I spoke before I was handed my baby boy while my baby girl was handed to Wilbur.


10 years later


"Alex! Aurora! Time for dinner!" I yelled out into the back yard. I heard 3 sets of feet sprint. I saw a girl, boy, and a dog run in tracking muddy foot prints through the house.

"How many times do I have to tell you to wipe your feet before you come in the house! We don't live in a barn." I grumbled.

"Sorry mamma." They both spoke up.

"Just go sit at the dinner table. Your father is already sitting there." I spoke back. They both scurried into the dining room.

"How are my favorite kids doing today?" I heard Will ask followed by squeals of laughter. I looked into the room from the kitchen and smiled seeing my kids giving my husband the biggest hug. I just thought of how lucky I was to have all three of them.

The end

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now