Video time!

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Once everyone had made it back to the bnb, Ted had corralled the adults minus Phil, Kristin, and Maddie to a separate room.

"Alrighty! Start writing random things on these pieces of paper." He spoke then dumped a bunch of cut up paper out of a happy meal container.

Once everyone wrote two or three prompts down, we started getting ready for the video. Two cameras were set up as well as microphones and mic packs. To the side were a few props including a notebook, some pens, a container of cotton balls, a pink camera, and a few foam minecraft tools.

"Who wants to start as the 'therapist'?" Ted asked.

"I'll go." I rose my hand.

"Great! Put this pack and mic on them sit in that chair." He gestured to the chair the right.

"Pog." I replied doing as asked.

"Three two one go!"

"Hi! And welcome back to my show! I'm Y/n. The doctor, and today we have a very special guest. Please! Come in sir!" People around the set started clapping while Charlie walked in the view of the camera. He shook my hand then sat on the other chair.

"What's wrong with you today?" I ask.

"Oh. Well. Um. I-"Charlie started. He then picked up the happy meal container taking out a prompt.

"What's wrong! Tell me!" I say.

"I'm gay!" Charlie jokes. People around chuckle.


"Doctor, I have a serious problem."

"What's your problem Charlie?"

"I'm going to die."


"We all are. We're all going to die."

"Oh no"

"Every single one of us.I'm going to die. Doctor... your going to die!"

"That's not good."

"No it's not good. We have to get out of here."


"Alright let's go."

"No no no no. Wait."

"I feel it. I feel it coming in. I think this is it."

"Hold on."

"I think"

"Stop it hold on."

"I'm sweating I'm sweating."

"I am the doctor and I will help you!"

"Oh my god... am I dead? Are- are you an angel?" I smiled at his response. I nodded my head ever so slightly. "Oh my god I'm dead! I'm dead!"

"I'm going to help you. So you think your dead..."

"I know I'm dead. Your dead too!"

"You think everyone's dead... ok. So why does that scare you?"

"I think it used to... but it doesn't anymore. I'm dead. Your dead. We are all dead!"

"We are going to figure out a way to solve this. Ok?"

"I- ok."

"So tell me more."

"So, you- you beefed it, and I'm fuckin, bloop! I'm- I'm out."

"What does that mean?"

"It means we're dead!"

"Uh-huh. Ok. So." I hand Charlie a sticky note with the words 'Uh-Huh' written on it.

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