Birds and broken dishes

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The sun was just peaking into the room when we heard a crash. Wilbur and I shot up from our bed and looked at each other for a moment. Tucker was barking like mad.

"Want me to check or you?" I asked.

"I will. Don't want my Princess getting hurt if someone is intruding."

"I don't want you getting hurt either!"

"Fine. Let's go together."

I nodded as we both got out of bed. Opening the door we walked slowly out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where an entire stack of plates were sitting on the counter were smashed on the floor. Sitting on the counter was Stella who looked smug.

"Guess we need new plates." I chuckled. Wilbur nodded before walking to the hall closet and grabbing cut resistant gloves, a broom, a dustpan and burst, and a heavy duty trash bag.

We swept everything up and put it in the garbage bag then took it out to the trash bin outside. We looked around the floor to see if we missed any glass until we were satisfied with the non mess. By the time we finished it was daylight out.

"Want to go out and get plates now? We can stop at a coffee shop." I spoke. Wilbur nodded. We both got dressed and hopped into the car to head to get breakfast.

"Could I have two croissant sandwiches, a black coffee, and a mocha expresso please?" I asked through the drive thru.

"Yep! First window please." The lady replied. We drove up and paid for the things and parked in a parking spot to eat.

"Where do you want to go get plates?" I asked in between bites.

"Craft store? They usually have ok priced plates." Wilbur replied.

"Ok bet." I quickly stuffed the rest of the sandwich in my mouth, then pulled out of the spot to head towards the craft store.


"Keep on crafting?" I asked looking up at the store front sign.

"Yep!" Wilbur replied. We walked in hand in hand.

"Welcome to Keep on crafting!" A chirpy lady said from the front. We just smiled and continued to walk towards kitchen ware.

"20 plates good?" I asked. There were 5 large, 5 medium, 5 small, and 5 extra small plates in the pack.

"Perfect." Wilbur replied.

As we walked up to the front, something caught my eye. I stopped walking and stared at it.

"Pleaseee!" I basically whined.


"Yay!" I giggled. I quickly sprinted over grabbing two of each thing and walked back to Wilbur smiling while lightly shaking his head.

"We going to stream making those?" He asked.

"Yep! It will be so much fun!" I giggled back.

We quickly walked up to the front of the store so I didn't detour and buy more things. After paying, we walked to the car and drove home. I was bouncing with excitement.


"HELLO CHAT! WELCOME TO ANOTHER STREAM! Today I'm here with my lovely boyfriend WILBURRRRR!" I yelled/spoke. Wilbur walked into frame. Chat started spamming,

After a moment of letting chat explode, I continued talking. Today we will be building... drum roll pleaseee!" Wilbur created a drum noise on his lap.

"BIRDHOUSES!" I was so excited. I grabbed the bags from under the table and slammed them on the table.

"We have with us-" I started grabbing stuff from the bag. "Birdhouse kits, paint, brushes, and stickers!" Wilbur just watched from the side in admiration of his girlfriend.

"You ready will?" I asked.


We soon started building the birdhouses using rocks instead of hammers because we didn't own one.

"Me caveman. Me use rock. Me make birb house!" Wilbur yelled before slamming the rock down on the nail which attached the roof to the walls. I just chuckled at him.

"I woman. I cave woman. I make man do work for me." I pushed my half done bird house towards Wilbur and watched to see what would happen.

"WOMAN?" Wilbur yelled before grabbing me by the hips and throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed and laughed as he paraded around the backyard yelling "ME GOT WOMAN!"

After a bit of that, we calmed down and continued the birdhouses.

Then it was time for painting.

"What color do you want your house to be?" I asked

"Maybe yellow and blue?" Wilbur replied grabbing those paints.

"I'm making mine rainbow because PRIDE!" I yelled taking paint and putting it on paper plates we had.

We painted for a solid 5 minutes before Wilbur started the all great PAINT WAR. This consisted of grabbing handfuls of pains and smearing it on eachother.

We both looked like colorful goblins by the end.

The bird houses turned out well surprisingly. We hung them in a large tree to dry and live. I had a bird feeder by the tree already, so it worked well.

"Well chat! I hope you enjoyed! I certainly did!"

"I did too!" Wilbur yelled from the tree.

"How'd you get up there!?" I yelled aiming the camera to the 6'5 man in a tree.

"I climbed! I was a tree climber when I was younger and still am!" He yelled waving his arms before he fell out of the tree with a thump. I quickly ended the stream before running over to a groaning Wilbur.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I think I broke my arm." He mumbled. I went to touch his arm, but he winced.

"Alright, let's get you to the emergency room." I spoke worriedly. He nodded and got up. We walked over to the car. I helped him buckle up and then drove us to the hospital to get his arm checked out.


"It's just a minor sprain." The doctor spoke while looking at his clipboard. "I suggest using a splint for your wrist and putting it on ice for 30 minutes twice a day. We can create an appointment in 3 weeks for a check up to see if it healed properly. If it hurts too much, take some Ibuprofen" He finished.

"Thank you doc." I replied.

"No problem! Here is everything I just said on paper, and your good to go." He said then walked out.

We walked out after collecting our stuff and I drove home.

"Please don't climb anymore trees."

"Don't worry. I don't plan on it."

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