pls read kinda important

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Hey everyone!

I have a few asks please.

Please don't kink shame. Some people are talking down about other peoples kinks in the comments and I really don't appreciate it.

Everything in this story is my idea so I don't care if you insult me, but don't insult the other people reading this story. They did nothing wrong and are just trying to enjoy their life.

This type of story can be what keeps someone going. I know reading on here keeps me going because I have severe depression. Writing gives me a purpose and having people insult and make others feel bad in their safe space isn't ok. It's an escape from the world. Everyone should enjoy it as they please.

I had to go through every chapter and delete a bunch of comments because they were rude and horrible to other people.

If you are here to talk down on others please kindly keep your comments to yourself and/or leave my story! ❤️🥰

The story line is based on my vision so please stop asking me to change things and because it's really starting to discourage me and if everyone asks me to change something, the story won't be mine anymore.

I'll be taking a small break to go through all the chapters so I can fix all of the mistakes and make it all a bit more inclusive. I read through the comments a lot because most of them make me happy when I feel really down. I've realized I have made a bunch of mistakes in my writing and will go through with a few friends who said that they would help peer review. So chapters will become longer and may be changed completely. So I recommend when re-reading in a few months so you don't miss any of the changes.

I'll post an announcement on my announcements area so follow for those.

I'm currently in college right now and finals are less then 2 months away so it may take me a bit. Plus my medical issues are starting to flair up because of the season change and all the sleep deprivation/stress I've been going through lately.

So please be patient!!

Love y'all!!!!!

Eat, drink, and remember someone loves you!

Peace! ✌️✌️✌️

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora