Just a little cuddling I guess?

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    The next morning was a little... strange? I woke up with two lanky yet strong arms wrapped around my torso. I could feel his rhythmic breathing on the back of my neck.

My face grew a bit warm.

I tried to get up to go to the bathroom, but the his arms just tugged me back, squishing me closer.

"Don- go. Stay teddy."

My face my eyes widened while my face grew even redder.

I stayed still pretending to sleep.

A solid hour passed before he finally woke up. His arm moved away from my torso for a moment and I felt him rub his face before putting his hand back. He then froze. I think he realized his position. After a few seconds he relaxed and pulled me closer while sighing.

I pretended to wake up keeping my face away from his line of sight.

"G-g mornin" he yawned. He didn't move from the position he was in.

"Morning. Could you please let go? I kinda have to go to the bathroom." I spoke awkwardly.

"Oh! Sorry! I forgot to tell you, I'm a snuggler!" He replied rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly after letting me go.

I grabbed a fresh set of clothing before walking into the bathroom.

After doing my business and taking a shower, I got dressed and put light makeup on.
Taking a deep breath, and stepped out of the bathroom. My eyes swept the room landing on Wilbur's figure which was sitting on the side of the bed.

"Just so you know, your pretty comfortable." He speaks out smirking slightly. Wilbur was fully clothed.

"I would have gotten up an hour ago, but you pulled me back and told me to stay while calling me teddy." I replied. This time, Wilbur got red.

We both chuckled awkwardly after a few second. After making sure we had everything for the day, we began to walk down all the stairs to the kitchen where Kristin was cooking breakfast while Phil slowly sipped his mug of what I think was coffee. A bunch of the boys were half asleep sitting on the couch in the living room with the tv playing some random cartoon show on low volume.

"Good morning!" Y/n yelled to everyone. There was a mumble of words that were unrecognizable.

"Good morning y/n! How did you sleep?" Kristin asked looking up from the pan she was cooking on.

"Nicely how about you?"

"Same old same old. The bed was a bit harder then what we have at home, but it was fine. I'll live."

"She practically slept on top of me." Phil grumbled. Kirstin giggled at his reply smacking his shoulder.

"You need any help?" I asked looking at Kristin.

"I would love some. Could you start cooking the pancakes?"

"I am the pancake master! I would love too."

— time skip brought to you by the 72 perfect pancakes that Y/N made —

"My arm hurts." I complained after we finished putting Al the pancakes on a platter..

"You really are the pancake master y/n." Phil praised.

"Thanks Phil. Is there anything else you want me to do Kristin?"

"Set the table?"

"Alrighty!" I grabbed all the forks, knives, plates, and the two napkin holders and started to set the large dining room table.

The sound of plates hitting the table made the group of boys come to the table. The only ones who were not awake were the Dream team and the minors.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go wake the stragglers." I quickly grabbed a clean pan and a wooden spoon. Then walked up the stairs and stood right in front of their doors which were conveniently placed right next to each other.


All I heard was a string of curse words, and a thump of someone falling off their bed. I quickly opened both doors letting the light from the hallway stream into the rooms earning more swear words and a pillow being thrown at me.

In the dream teams room, George was on the floor, having fallen off when I scared them.

Soon enough everyone was sitting around the table, sleep falling away. The table was piled high with, pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit, syrups, butter, whipped cream, hash browns, sausages, and some other condiments.

"You put that catchup on those eggs Clay and I will wake you up tomorrow by the ice bucket challenge." I spoke slowly while he held the catchup over his eggs. He slowly put it back down earning chuckles through out the table.

"I love how we all met you yesterday and your already threatening us." Jack spoke out making the table laugh again.

"What are we doing today?" Tommy asked.

"Group stream? We can set up cameras and stuff in the living room and stream on all of our channels?" Someone spoke out.

"What would we do?" Another spoke.

"Try not to laugh?" Wilbur suggested. There was a mutual agreement. "When ever you laugh, you leave the room, last one to not laugh wins?"

"What would we win?" I asked.

"We all put 20 bucks into a pool?" Wilbur spoke out.

"Ok bet!"

After everyone finished breakfast, the dream team did dishes. Then went to go get ready for the streams.

Being tech savvy, I started setting up three cameras and connecting them all to a board so everyone could use the video to put on their stream. I then figured out how to put all 16 streams chats on the tv.

After about 10 minutes, everyone was in the living room sitting on the couch, floor, or chairs behind the couch. Masks, glasses, and other essential accessory's were on. Kristin didn't want to be in the stream, so she sat behind the camera making sure everything worked.

"Hey you! Your finally awake!" Everyone yelled but Tubbo who lagged behind and sounded like an echo.

"Hello! And welcome to the stream! Today we are all living together for a bit because of... drum roll please." Ted spoke. Everyone started patting their laps or other people's backs.

"TWITCH CON! Yay!" I yelled before Ted could while falling out of my chair. He stared at me before continuing. I slowly got back up in my chair.

"Anyway before I was rudely interrupted, We will be playing You laugh you lose! And our lively Y/N set up this stream so we can see all chats for each stream and that only three cameras are used. Pretty cool if you ask me." Ted continued. Ted pointed at a camera which switched the view, then did the same with the other camera.

All the chats were filled with Pogs or Pog champs.

"Alright! ON WITH THE STREAM!" Charlie yelled starting up the media share which was also ran by mods who just put videos which they thought were funny from the chats in a list playing them on the Tv screen in front of the small crowd.


Hey hey hey! Hope you enjoyed! Don't be a stranger, comment on me story's so I can find you and give you a hug! Lol jk. Maybe. Unless it's you Evan. I know your reading this. :P

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