It's just a stream

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I sat on the back porch of the house waiting for something to happen. When your in a house filled with 18 people plus guests sometimes, something always happens.

"We're going to the store! You want anything?" Charlie asked poking his head out the glass slide if door.

"Several pounds of chocolate and two bottles of vodka please." I replied. Charlie looked at me for a second before firing back.

"I am going to join you in this video." I giggled and nodded my head. Before turning back to enjoy the sun. I had planned on getting shit faced later on, turns out Charlie was joining me now.

Just after lunch, Charlie came up to me with multiple kinds of all different sized chocolates and chocolate bars along with 10 bottles of vodka. Way to much if you ask me but we could save the rest for a different night.

"They were having a sale." He chuckled. I made a face.


"They were! Also, Alex and Schlatt are joining us for the stream and vod later!" He spoke quickly slipping back into the house and closing the door quickly.

"Ok!" I reply. After entering the house, I grabbed about half of the stuff and walked to the empty basement to set up the stream. The three boys were waiting down there all on their phones.

"You boys couldn't have brought anything down?" I asked while setting the stuff on the ground. Which Alex replied by yelling "I TOLD YOU SO SCHLATT! You don't know how to treat a woman!"

"Far from." Schlatt replied. I gasped loudly, bringing my hand to my heart.

"That hurts deep my dude."

"Fuck off shortie." He yelled while stomping up the stairs for dramatic effect.

"And scene!" Charlie yelled while holding his phone up.

"Were you recording that the whole time?" I asked.

"Yep! And I'm still recording." He replied. There was a sudden crash down the stairs which made Charlie, Alex, and I jump. Schlatt had thrown the bags of chocolate down the stairs and walked down with his hands full with bottles of alcohol.

"Ready?" I asked looking at the boys. They nodded. "Alrighty." I quickly opened the software and made sure that I could easily change the welcome to the stream screen to the face cam. "3 2 1." I clicked start stream. "WHATS UP! Today, I will be playing never have I ever, but if I have, I will have to take a shot. Plot twist, all of you chatters will be coming up with the questions! I also have a shit ton of chocolate to eat as well because you all know about my addiction to chocolate. I'm going to wait a bit and answer a few donos before we turn on the camera and stuff so people can filter in."

After about 10 minutes, Schlatt yelled.

"I say we all take a shot to start!"

"Bet!" Alex replied loudly and started to open a bottle and pour four shots.

Chat started zooming saying Hi and other stuff to the boys.

After a few minuets of talking, introducing the boys, taking one shot, and all around goofiness mods started up the never have I ever questions.

"Never have I ever fell down the stairs."

"Never have I ever kissed someone"

"Never have I ever slept with a stranger"

"Never have I ever gone to the supermarket in pajamas."

"I- I- I- *hic* think chaat is trying *hic* to get us drunk!" I slurred slightly.

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