Sad day

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Today was the last day in San Diego. Everyone was getting shipped off to their homes. We were all in the airport hugging each other trying not to cry. Especially Maddie, Kristin, and I. We were stood in a group hug basically in tears because we were going to miss each other.

"Madds. That's our flight." Ted spoke breaking up the hugging session. They started sprinting off towards their plane.

All the British along with me started heading towards our flight. We were about an hour early, so we all sat in a corner waiting for our group to be called for boarding.

"Group 1 through 3 please come up for boarding!" The flight attendant said over the loud speaker. We were groups 6 out of 10. This plane was larger then the last one. There were three columns of four seats.

"Group 4 and 5 please come up to board." We stood up getting ready to board next.

"Are you ready to go home?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm happy to move in together!" I cheered quietly. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

"Group 6 and 7 please come up for boarding!"

"That's us." Wilbur grabbed my hand and we walked up to the front to board the plane. We scanned out tickets and got in. Wilbur was sitting by the window, then me, Toby, and finally Tommy in our row. We were in a fire escape lane so Wilbur could get more foot space.

I grabbed his hand as we took off. I leaned on his shoulder with his head on top of mine.

I took out my tablet and plugged the earbuds in. I put one in and popped one into Wilbur's ear. I put on 'Hook' which is a great movie.

After the flight, we landed and took Wilbur's car back to his apartment so we could pack his stuff up. It was about noon. When we finished.

"You ready to move in with me?" I asked squeezing his hand.

"Yep! I'm supper excited." He replied back.

We grabbed all the boxes and managed to shove them all into his car only having to secure three of them to the roof.

After the two hour drive to my home, we put all the boxes in the living room and decided to unpack them tomorrow.

"I have to pick Tucker up from the boarding place and the cats from the neighbors tomorrow." He nodded.

We ordered takeout, ate, then went to sleep.


The next day was filled with an extremely happy puppy and some pissy cats. Tucker was so excited to see me and to meet Wilbur, but the cats were just annoyed that I left them at a strangers house for almost a month.

Soon we unpacked as much of Wilbur's stuff as we could. We went through basically all of his stuff and a bunch of my stuff to see what we needed, what we would donate, and what we would throw away. Turns out, I had a lot of junk that I didn't need.

I also decided to sell a bunch of my paintings to make a spot for Wilbur's desk and setup. I took all the paintings out of the office and took pictures of them, posting them to my website where people could buy them. I also posted on my Instagram and on Twitter that a bunch of new art went up for sale. All 37 paintings sold in almost 20 minutes.

We packaged them all up and brought them to the nearest post office to ship them out to who ever bought them.

Later on, Wilbur set up his PC in the office on the opposite side of the room. We hung up his guitars on the wall removing some of the art I had hung up.

Basically everything was unpacked now. The house was complete. Both of us sat on the couch for a solid 10 minutes before I decided to stream.

Next to my desk was two giant boxes filled with gifts from the fans that I had received at the con. I was going to go through all of them during the stream and hang up some art on the empty wall.

I was super excited that I started without bringing myself water or anything else I might have needed. Thank gosh for Wilbur soot who brought me everything I would need.


"What is up chat!" I spoke into the microphone. Chat responded with hellos.

"I'm back home! And I have decided to go through all the gifts I received from you guys at con!" I smiled tugging over one of the boxes. I grabbed the knife, slicing open the tape, and dived into the box taking out art, stuffed animals, letters, two Barbie dolls that looked like Wilbur and I, and loads of other stuff.

It took a solid 8 hours to look at everything. Wilbur popped in a few times bringing me extra glasses of water or snacks when I ran out. Chat spammed every time he entered the room. He even sat in for a while on his chair by his computer answering questions and playing on his phone.

Soon I heard my phones text tone. I picked it up and saw Wilbur texted me. I opened my phone to find:

Look at your phoneeeeee
I'm needyyyyyyy

Yes? You know I'm right in front of you right?

Want to do something fun after your stream? 😈😈
I can think of a thing or two I want to do to you...

My face turned red. I spun around to look at him. He was smirking and got up slowly walked out of the room. While he was in the door frame, he looked at me and winked, before closing the door.

It took me a second before I calmed myself down. I quickly went through the last few gifts then ended the stream.


Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant