Before The Con!

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Today was the first day of TwitchCon. We had to get up extremely early to make it before the public started showing up. When we got to the parking lot in our two vans, there were designated parking spots for us to use.

We were greeted with about six huge bulky guys who told us that they were to be our groups body guards. Me being socially awkward, stood next to Wilbur holding his hand. We were in the center of the group which was kinda squished together.

As we made our way towards the main entrance, all we could hear was screaming. Looking to our left, a giant line of screaming people tried to great us. We all waved and smiled seeing flashed off of phones and cameras go off.

Entering the building we were met with a professional looking lady.

"Names. One at at time please starting with under 18s." She spoke briskly not looking up from her clipboard. In her hand behind the clip board was about two inches of paper.

Starting with Tommy, Toby, and Ranboo, she shuffled through the papers and handed them each a small packet.

"Wait one moments ok boys?" She looked up from her clip board to the three. They nodded.

"Alright. Girls?" She looked at Maddie, Kristin, and I.

"Just me. I'm y/n or y/ndoesstuff."

She stopped what she was doing for a moment and looked me up and down. She shuffled through a few pieces of paper before sighing.

"You are going to go down this hall to the lady with the purple hair. Alright?" She gestured down the hall. I nodded Letting go of Wilbur's hand and shuffling away from the group. I quickly waved to everyone. They waved back then went to saying their names to the lady.

Down the hall I met the lady with the purple hair. She looked up from her clipboard which had a significantly less amount of paper.

"How may I help you?" She asked with a bright smile.

"The lady at the door told me to come see you? My name is Y/n and my user is y/ndoesstuff." I spoke pulling at the ends of my hoodie.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't recognize you at first! Come with me!" She started walking down another hallway to a door that had my name on it weirdly.

Inside the room, there were a few couches, a table with makeup lights, loads of art materials, some snacks and water, and a bunch of other take home goodies.

"Why did I get all this?" I asked.

"You are the super featured created this year! Here is your pass and itinerary." She rambled while giving me a few papers and a lanyard with a golden card on the bottom.

"Why am I the featured creator? There isn't anything special with me..." I asked.

"Honey, have you looked at your twitch channel number counts lately? You are the number one fastest growing channel we have seen in a long time. Like years. Your in the top ten!" She exclaimed.

I quickly took out my phone to look at my follower and sub count. Low and behold, my numbers had grown significantly. I had the highest sub and follower count in the entire group!

"Holy shit." I mumbled.

"Holy shit indeed." She giggled. "I'm basically going to be your personal helper through out the con. I'll help you get where you need to be when you need to be." She smiled.

"Can I give you my phone number so if we get separated or I go off on my own with my friends for a bit, we can get back in contact?" I asked.

"Totally!" She replied handing me her phone so I could put my number in it.

"I feel like a total bitch. I never asked your name."

The lady laughed and replied with "Tiffany Wattson! But people usually call me Tiff or Tiffs."

"Alright Tiff! Lead the way!" I smiled.

"We don't actually have to go anywhere for another hour and 45 minutes."

"Can we go on the floor then so I can see some of my friends and rub my follower count in their faces?" I asked.

She full on gut laughed. "Alright. Do you have a name I can use to look at the map?"

"Wilbur Soot?"

She pulled out a map from her clipboard and started dragging her finger on it mumbling Soot a few times as if to remember the name.

"Here we go!" She walked to the door with me following. We walked down the hall to a big set of double doors.

"The floor is right through here!" She smiled. We walked through the doors and were met with two bodyguards.

"This is Jeff and Craig. They will be guarding these doors. On the back of your pass are their numbers if anything gets out of hand and you need help while I'm not around ok?" She started explaining.

"Hello!" I spoke shaking both of their hands. Tiff started leading me away from the two guys.

"You can always find yourself to those grey doors by looking for the big boobs of that lady from the new resident evil game." She chuckled pointing at the giant poster above the door. I nodded back with a smile on my face.

We started walking down the designated walking path to a bunch of booths where I could see content creators gathering up and saying hi to each other.

"Y/N!" I heard the voice of none other then Tommyinnit.

"What's up big t?" I asked giving him a fist bump.

"Why didn't you come with us?" He asked.  Tiff quickly whispered in my ear that I couldn't tell anyone because the CEO of twitch was going to announce it at the opening.

"I don't know. Tiff here was a fan and wanted to give me a tour." I replied. All of a sudden I was getting pulled away from Tiffany by my new group of friends who were hounding question after question on me.

I started to feel a little claustrophobic. My breathing started picking up pace, yet nobody realized what was happening all focusing on their questions. I started looking around for Wilbur but he was nowhere to be seen. Soon enough I made eye contact with Techno. He seemed to know what was going on.

"Hey guys!" He yelled. They all turned to him.
"Back up a little!" He spoke a little quieter. The group all looked at me and say the tears rolling down my face. I quickly pushed my way through the crowd to Techno who wrapped his arms around me whispering words of concern and comfort in my ears till I stoped crying and shaking.

"Take some deep breaths. In and out. Follow my breathing ok? In and out."

Hey guys! I have no idea how twitch con works. I'm just making it up as I go. Hope you enjoy :D

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