A cozy flight

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     Today's the day! I was getting on a plane with a bunch of other streamers to fly to San Diego, California. I am so excited.

     I woke up around 1 am to be at Heathrow airport at 3am to be on the plane by 5am. I was so tired but it's going to be worth it. I haven't been to America in so long. It's been even longer since I've been to California.

     Once I had checked my bags in, I went through security, and found my gate. I scouted around to see what I could find for food.

McDonalds. That's the best I can get right now. Everywhere else is closed because of how early it is.

"What do you want?" A lady asked behind the counter.

"I'll have a (your order) please."

"That will be (price)." I quickly swiped my card and grabbed my receipt before moving to the side so that other people could order.

"468!" Someone yelled. I quickly walked to the front and grabbed my bag of food before going to my gate.

     Looking around, I saw a bunch of people on computers, phones, reading books, talking to the person next to them, sleeping, etc.

     I found a secluded corner and put one AirPod in while listening to a 24 hour long playlist I had made a few years back. The current song playing is Have to Explode by The Mountain Goats.
     Closing my eyes for a bit, I heard someone speak.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" A male asked.

"Sure! I'm (y/n)"

"Jack! Nice to meet you! You going to Twitch Con?"

"Yeah. I'm a featured creator."

"Me too!"

"Really? What's your channel?"

"Jackmanifold. You?"


"Oh my gosh! I know your channel! Your stream about making art with McDonalds food was great." I smiled at him.

"Thanks! I'm sorry I don't know much about your content. I mainly focus on my own stuff and don't watch others often." I chuckled

"It's totally fine. It's just amazing to meet you!" He replied. I awkwardly looked down at my phone to see if there were any notifications I could go to to get away from the awkward tension.


"AYUP Tommy! Meet (y/n)!"

"AYUP short stack." Tommy exclaimed

"You are loud."

"I get that a lot! TUBBOOOOOOOOO!"

"TOMMMAAAHHHHY!" 'Tubbo' yelled.

"AYUP!" Jack replied. They all hugged. More people started congregating in my secluded corner which wasn't so secluded anymore. A man by the name of Philza or Phil and his wife Kristin arrived. I had started taking with her and ended up exchanging numbers.

"Where's will?" Phil asked.

"Went a week early to do some recording and streaming with the Americans." Tommy replied.

"Oi! I'm American." I replied.

"EW! WOMAN AND AMERICAN!? Jack you really struck out with this one." Everyone chuckled as a reply.

"I don't know if I should reply and be offended or not."

"Don't reply." Tubbo whispered.

Boarding the plane was somewhat hard because so many people were getting on.

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