Aenys Targaryen (12 years old.)

                                                 Alyssa Targaryen (8 years old

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                                                 Alyssa Targaryen (8 years old.)

Deirys smiled when Rhaegon threw Rhaelys up in the air, making her squeal. Baelon was in sitting in a corner playing a card game with Alyssa, who was frowning in concentration. Jaehaera was sitting at the dining table next to her father, mother, and Rhaenyra, and kept sneaking glances towards Rhaegon. Deirys was worried about the girl, she was aware that Jaehaera was in love with Rhaegon, just like she was aware Rhaegon did not return her feelings. Her brother was, for lack of a better term, a whore. He had bedded half the women in Kings Landing and she did not mean just the ones at the pleasure houses. She had found him once or twice with some of the court ladies, some of them her mother's age. Her brother did not discriminate. From what Deirys had heard he acted just like their father did at his age. Her mother had screamed at him several times when she had found him drunk in his chambers, one, or several naked women in his bed. The last time it had happened was when Deirys was carrying Rhaelys and at that time her father had gotten involved. Daemon had made it clear that while he did not expect Rhaegon to stop bedding women, he was not allowed to bring his whores into the Red Keep. Her brother had listened, no one wanted to anger her father. He now kept most of his dalliances out of the castle. Deirys did not want Jaehaera to get her heart broken, she did not believe she and Rhaegon were a good match. Rhaegon was loud, brass, and a rogue. While Jaehaera was shy, quiet, and melancholic most of the time. Rhaegon would eat the poor girl alive and spit her out. Her mother was also aware of the situation, and while she was apprehensive about Rhaegon and Jaehaera's relationship she preferred to let them make the decision. Deirys also knew not to get involved, they both had to solve their own issues, and she would only get involved if they asked.
Jaehaerys was running around the room after both her sons, while her father and the king were standing on the balcony, talking and drinking wine. These were the moments she lived for. Her whole family was happy and at peace, even if that peace did not last long. Deirys noticed Visenya kept throwing looks her way, Aemma was sitting beside her talking animatedly with Aenys, who nodded from time to time. Deirys signaled her sister, turning her head to the fireplace, before standing up and walking to it. Visenya followed her and Deirys looked around the room, making sure people were not listening in.
"What is the matter?"
"I saw Xanner today, while I was in the Godswood." Deirys nodded and Visenya twisted her hands. "He asked if I would join him for a walk after supper."
"That is wonderful." Visenya bit her lip and Deirys frowned. "Has something changed? Do you not have feelings for Xanner any longer?"
"No, of course not." Visenya blushed. "What will happen if papa finds out? I do not want him to take it out on Xanner."
"Senya, you do not have to worry about our father." Deirys rubbed her sister's arm in a comforting motion. "If you are ready we can talk to mama, and have her start hinting that you should be marrying soon and that they should start looking for a suitable husband for you."
"But that does not assure me they will pick Xanner."
"Why would they not?" Deirys looked at their mother and then back at her sister. "We have known Xanner all our lives. He was knighted at sixteen, he will inherit one of the greatest castles in Westeros, and our mothers are friends. If all of that is not enough, our parents want you to be happy, they will not pressure you to marry someone you do not approve of."
"You are right." Visenya gave her a relieved smile but then frowned once more. "We should wait to speak to our mother. Xanner has not expressed his intentions, maybe he sees me as a friend."
"Senya." Deirys snorted and then laughed at the look on her sister's face. "The man would tame a dragon if you asked him to. Believe me, he does not want to be your friend, at least, not just your friend. You should enjoy your walk with him. He is incredibly handsome."
"What would your husband say if he heard you calling another man handsome?"
"My husband is secure in my affections for him." Visenya snorted and shook her head.
"Your husband punched a man a few days ago for saying you had a delectable body, even while carrying a child." Visenya laughed loudly, making some of the other people in the room turn to them. "The other men were terrified. When you walked past the training grounds after that they refused to look at you."
Deirys burst out laughing, making everyone in the room turn to them with curious looks. She loved when her husband showed his possessive side.

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