Deirys  Targaryen (17 years old

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                             Deirys Targaryen (17 years old. 3 months pregnant.) 

                                  Jaehaera Targaryen (13 years old

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                                  Jaehaera Targaryen (13 years old.)

"The bathhouses have been opened and they are a great success." Ser Tyland Lannister smiled at Rhaenyra. "It has only been a sennight, but cleanliness in the city has improved. We are still working on the healing houses you wanted to open, your grace."
"I am happy everything is going well." The king smiled before turning to Lord Harwin Strong. "I want to know how the search for maester Mellos is going. I cannot believe the man just disappeared, he has to be somewhere."
"I am sorry to say we have not been able to find him." Harwin looked very apologetic. "We do not know if the citadel is protecting him."
"Maybe Princess Deirys could use some of her unsullied to help with the search." Her grandsire gave her a nod. "Maybe more men is what is needed for the search to produce some results."
"Of course, your grace." Deirys smiled at Ser Harwin. "I would be happy to lend a hand, I will meet with you and the rest of the people in the search, you can also tell me what you need and I will help coordinate the search."
"Great." Her grandsire stood up. "Then this meeting is at an end."
The lords left the room, leaving her father, grandsire, mother, and husband.
"Deirys cannot help coordinate the search." All eyes turned to Aemond, who did not seem the least concerned. "She is with child, and you all heard what the healer said. She needs to slow down a bit."
"Love, that was a moon ago." Deirys gave him a charming smile. "I am feeling much better now. There is nothing to worry about."
"You have been sick in the mornings and you barely eat as it is." Since Aemond had found out about her pregnancy a moon ago, his overprotective instinct had been kicked into overdrive. He watched what she ate, how long she walked if she was out in the sun for too long if she stood for too long. She had put her foot down when he attempted to stop her from riding Vermithor, she had actually threatened to set him on fire if he got in her way. Aemond was not looking impressed. "You have been helping Rhaenyra with the healing houses and you have been helping her with the orphanages. I think you are doing more than enough. Ser Harwin is more than capable of looking for maester Mellos, I am more worried about your health and that of our child."
"I agree with Aemond." Deirys glared at her father, but he did not seem to care. "Deirys should be worrying about herself and her babe, not about what is best for the kingdom. Viserys I can take on more responsibilities, and help Rhaenyra with some of her projects."
"You are both treating me like I am sick." Deirys glared at her father and husband. They did not get along, but apparently, they were in perfect sync when it came to being overprotective of her. "I am with child, and I am barely showing yet. We have not even announced I am with child yet. I am not going to just lay down and do nothing, to make both of you feel better."
"Little treasure, I am not saying you cannot do anything." Aemond grabbed her hand and kissed it. "But you are doing enough. You do not need to take on so much, we are all here to help you. Rhaegon and Baelon can also help. They have both been training with the unsullied, they can help coordinate the search."
Deirys looked at her mother who was attempting to stop herself from smiling. She was well aware of how overprotecting Daemon would get every time she was with child, which was apparently a quality her husband had inherited. Deirys shook her head and walked out of the room. The last thing she needed right now was her husband treating her like an invalid. Her father refused to train with her and had threaten everyone with disembodiment if they trained with her, even the unsullied were not allowed to train with her. Her guards had been doubled since Aemond had found out about her pregnancy, if she decided to travel to the city she had to take over six guards with her. There was also the fact that she was really emotional, one moment she was happy, and the next one she wanted to cry about the stupidest things. She hated feeling this way, and she hated that people saw her as something fragile that needed to be taken care of.
"Are you supposed to be walking that fast?" Deirys came to a stop when the amused voice reached her ears. Her cousin Jaehaera was sitting against one of the pillars, a book on her lap. "I believe Uncle Aemond will have an attack if he sees you walking that fast."
"He has an attack if I sneeze too hard." Jaehaera's laugh made her smile. "I will stab him if he tells me I am not allowed to do something else again."
"What has he prohibited now?"
"He does not want me to help coordinate the search for maester Mellos." Not that she would be doing much looking, since she was aware where his corpse was. She had a plan for his body to be found, but it would have to wait a bit longer. She did not want anyone to know what caused his death. "He believes that I am working too hard to add something else."
"Maybe he is right." Deirys eyes narrowed and Jaehaera held her hands up. "Do not yell at me. I am just saying you have been very busy lately. You have been helping Aunt Rhaenyra with all her projects and you attend all the council meetings. I know you want to help with everything, but you are with child. You get tired more easily now."
"I do not get..."
"Do not lie to me." Jaehaera touched her arm and gave her a gentle smile. "I found you asleep under the heart tree the other day. Do not worry I did not tell Uncle Aemond."
"I appreciate that." Deirys laughed and sat beside Jaehaera. "I cannot imagine what he would say if he found me sleeping under a tree."
"He just worries about you." Jaehaera's smile was more nostalgic this time. "Uncle Aemond loves you, I do not know how he would react if anything happened to you. The way you two feel for each other is the same way Aunt Rhaenyra and Uncle Daemon feel for each other. I hope I can find someone who loves me the same way Uncle Aemond loves you."
"You will." Deirys caressed her hair. "You deserve someone that loves you unconditionally. Do not settle for anything less, you will find someone who will treat you like a queen."
"Thank you." Jaehaera's smile was sweet.
Maybe Deirys needed to be more understanding towards her husband, after all, he was only trying to protect her. She also wanted to make sure her babe would be well and be born without any complications. She might need to slow down a bit, not that she would be telling Aemond that. He did not need to know he was right, his ego was already big enough.

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