Chapter 6: Goodbye Gift

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Kai Pov:

Mom has been getting worse and worse as a lately. She been mostly sick and I don't even know what to do. I tired everything.

Mira: Kai its ok

Kai: No its not your dying and I don't want to loose you please.

Mira: Oh Kai I been dying long ago even before I met you it just something happen sooner that made it worse.

Kai: What!?

Mira: I been sick Kai really sick and I knew I wouldn't survive for long but when I met you I just had to stay alive so you can survive.

Kai: You were sick this whole time and didn't tell me why?

Mira: Because I didn't want you to worry. Don't worry about me Kai, there a whole world out there waiting for you and I didn't want you to missed it because of me.

Kai: So that it your just going to leave me?

Mira: I may be leaving you but I have gifts for you. Do you remember the room I band you from never going in?

Kai: Yes I do

Mira: There is a dragon egg in there that I have been watching. I won't be around to watch it hatch and grow so I want you to take care of them.

Kai: I promise I will name them and take care of them

Mira: Thank you and one more thing please take my body under the stars as I want to be with my tribe again.

Kai: I will I promise

She then put her hand on my face before giving me a smile

Mira: Goodbye son I love you and I really hope we get to meet again.

Kai: I love you too mom and I promise to raise that dragon like my very own.

She smile to be before she close here eyes one final time. I couldn't help but let out a painful cry. I decided had to go to her room to check on the egg before taking her body outside under the stars.

I went into her room and saw a small nest with a dragon egg in it. I was shock on how she could hide this from me for so long. I could of help her but I guess there nothing I really can do now. I then notice a few notes on her bed side and decided to pick them up.

The notes told me that the egg was healthy and if everything goes right the egg would hatch in about a week. I left the room after that and headed to my mom body.

I give her a goodbye kiss on her scaly forehead before picking her up.

I then put her down on the grass making sure she was facing the stars. That is where I saw a beautiful sight. Her body turn into light and soon a new star had appear in the night sky. I would also see a snake spirit looking at me before smiling and disappearing.

I heard back indoors and broke down crying. I already miss her but also knew she wouldn't be happy with me crying here so I decided to head back to the room where the egg was at

Kai: Don't worry mom I will protect and raise this dragons as if there my own child like how you raise me.

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